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want to learn html 5


New Member
is learning html 5 is simple? i want to learn it because i want to develop my new site by creating templates
If you have interest on HTML it is very easy to learn, if you want to develop a website along with HTML you need to learn CSS and Javascript..
Since you already have a basic knowledge of HTML, JavaScript & CSS, I would say half the battle is already won! I would highly recommend taking the HTML5 Training course from Microsoft Virtual Academy. The course is filled with demos, examples, and videos that offer a great in depth dive into HTML5. All Microsoft Virtual Academy courses are free and led by industry experts which is a huge plus. Good luck!
A good way to start coding HTML it's to start with a site like :,
It's a new way to learn code and a very cool one !
HTML5 is pretty straight-forward. More so if you have some basic idea about HTML.
However, to make a complete website that interacts with its visitors, only HTML5 won't be enough. you will have to have a fair idea of CSS and some scripting as well.