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Web Host


New Member
Hi everyone..

Has anyone heard of - or use StartLogic ??

I got a name cheep,, and they seem to have decent tools in Vdeck.. (not that I know how to use them)..

And they always answer the phone,, and seem to decent support..

I guess its like $5.00 pr mo,, and like 6 per yr for name..

I am wondering if I should stay with this one while I get started..

Thanks !!

Thanks Cdorob

Thak you for your resonse..

I logged on the forum you suggested early this morning..

It is now after 12pm..
And I keep getting
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Maybe they take allot of time to approve new members.. I don?t know..

Anyhow - the forum is congested with ads,, and it is not nearly as worm & fuzzy as this forum.. (just thought I would throw that in)..

Yes, 5 Star Affiliate Programs forum it's a nice place to be.

If posting is not available on the hosting forum indicated earlier, you might still have an idea by searching the forum about the name of the host. In fact it would be good to make the same search on Google as well, bad reviews tend to be high ranked :p

Anyway, if you really care about your work, always make backups, no matter how reliable the host is, to prevent the usual "Why me? Why me?" questions when something goes really wrong.
Ok then,,

I will try all that.. I?m sure I did some research on the host (to some degree)before I purchased..

I guess not to many peps here use them..

Anyhow ? thanks !!

Carl...... :cool:

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