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Webinar: How to Leverage the Power of Automation with Custom Conversions


Marketplace Seller
TheOptimizer Native
TheOptimizer Mobile

Hey guys, hope you're having a great time!

In this week's webinar, we are going to talk about the process of leveraging the power of automatic optimization with the help of custom conversions.

This webinar's agenda will be organized in two parts.

Part 1: How to Get Started with TheOptimizer
Part 2: How to Leverage the Power of Automation with Custom Conversions.

Join now using the link below and make sure to ask your questions in order to make sure you're getting the most out of campaigns.

> Join Webinar Here <

Ps. If you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to ask them in the comments below.
I love replays of webinars! It never seems to fail that I have something else (like work :D) going on at the same time as the live streaming.
I love replays of webinars! It never seems to fail that I have something else (like work :D) going on at the same time as the live streaming.

Nowadays replays are a must! Odds to be available on a live webinar play are quite low considering how much stuff one has to go through to push successful camps today :)