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Announcement [WEBINAR]: TOP 7 Mistakes that are Killing your Push Notification сampaigns



Top Traffic Source
Certified Vendor
Traffic Manager
PropellerAds Multisource advertising platform
Zeydoo — Earn with Push Subscriptions
Dear affiliates!

Push Notifications is a great advertising tool that can bring quality conversions and extend the reach in no time.

As with every ad format, multiple pitfalls lie in wait. And although you might think that your issues are completely unique; we are all too familiar with the majority of advertisers’ pain points.


Join PropellerAds for a FREE webinar "TOP 7 Mistakes that are Killing your Push Notification сampaigns". Let's meet the challenges head-on and understand what you’ve been doing wrong all this time.

March 27, 3 PM GMT
Registration - The Top 7 Mistakes That are Killing Your Push Notification Campaigns | PropellerAds

Our Head of Affiliate Club, Anton Merkulov, and the Senior Customer Success manager, Jaro Borkovski, will unpack these key points:

  • Why don’t your creatives convert? Learn how to evaluate and audit your images and ad copies
  • What’s wrong with your bidding strategy? We’ll explain how to get the biggest bang for your buck
  • Can’t find converting ad zones? Anton will identify the immediate steps to fix your targeting settings
  • Messed up the frequency capping? Jaro will spell out how to get conversions without annoying users (true art)

And many more!

Register now and claim your FREE spot (seats are limited).

Join the contest and win $100!

Ask the most interesting question about Push Notifications, and win $100 from PropellerAds.

Our speakers will choose the winner on 27 March during the webinar.

Leave your questions on our Facebook page -> PropellerAds

Ready - steady - go! Good luck!
Last reminder!

Tomorrow PropellerAds is holding a long-awaited free webinar "Top 7 mistakes that are killing your Push campaigns". There are very few spots left!


See you tomorrow ;)
Hi guys!

Find some time and watch this webinar, it’s worth seeing again :)

Soon we will publish a detailed blog post with answers to the questions you asked during the webinar.

Did you like the webinar? Please share your opinion, it's important for us!


Dear partners, here is the new webinar about Push notifications.

Target CPA is an optimization tool for push traffic. It was released 2 months ago, but have you figured out how to use it to maximum benefit? Join us tomorrow for a FREE webinar on how to take full advantage of this must-have auto-optimization tool!

We’ll cover a variety of topics, including:

- What key factors power auto-optimization today
- How Target CPA works, what challenges can it mitigate
- How to create a successful Target CPA strategy
- Real-life examples and case studies

Join us on July 17 at 3 PM GMT!

Sign up to secure your spot
- How to Optimize with Target CPA for Push Notifications | PropellerAds