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Webmaster Burnout

When I read the title for this thread, it makes me think it's some type of internet game.
lol, I'm just glad it was a passing phase and that it didn't last too long. It's funny to see how a bunch of bad luck and loss of money, time, content can wear someone down. I guess I've seen what my limits are and now I just have to broaden them or grow thicker skin. Not sure, but I did learn from the experience.
Things are really picking up for us now Duke, much better! Adding a new member (or 2) almost everyday and adding lots of content, looking at new sites, etc. It feels good to be doing this right now. :)
Looks like the member hot streak has come to an end. For me the most exciting part was breaking that 100 member barrier and we have a few new members who are now posting, one regularily and one sporatically.

I've also changed the look of Hobby-Universe a bit and will be hosting game movie making files for those who need it from Virtual War Cinema. I'm hoping this drives some new traffic to Hobby-Universe and also breaths some new life into the site.