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Webmaster Services - Web Design, Link Building and Directory Submission


New Member
Hello Everyone

I would like to offer our link building, web design and directory submission services in this forum....

1.) Web Design - We have a special offer in 129 USD with 5 pages web design (graphics+flash) + one year web hosting and domain name registration for one year!

We can build any type of interactive casino website! Please send me PM, if you are interested in more details like portfolio etc...

2.) Link Building and SEO - We provide link building services "One Way Quality Links" at the cost of 6USD per link for one way theme based links. Links wil be from PR2 to PR4 pages and they will be from theme based websites.

3.) Directory Submission Services:- We provide directory submission services and details are as belwo. Our sucess rate is 40 to 50% in directory submission. Price is only

50usd for 300 Directory Submissions.
99usd for 500 Directory Submisison
250usd for 1000 Directory Submission
400usd for 1500 Directory Submission
We have also package for submission in Regional Directories

We will provide you the list of directories when we complete the directory submission work. We will give you good results. Directories which we use, have very good acceptance ratio. Most of the sites will approve your listings. If you want some further information pls send me a PM.

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