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Webpage Design Strategy

King Conga

Active Member
I'm wondering if I should set 1 or 2 pgs. aside on my site to create text and icon(gifs, jpgs, etc.) links to some of the books, CD's, s'ware, and equip I talk about and recommend that would be displayed in an organized fashion, of course; it the conventional way along the right & left columns.

The more I think about it, the more I prefer the 1st method only because it's not as distracting as I find the 2nd method is sometimes.

I'd like to start a poll, but I've never done that. At the very least, I'd love some informed feedback.

King Conga, members can vote in polls, but members can't start polls. Some changes were made a few months ago. Polls can now only be started by a moderator, administrator or owner.
Fine. I was just putting that in there for fun. What I REALLY wanted was some valuable feedback...ANY feedback. There was a reason I put it in this forum, cuz I needed to get an answer that I didn't know anywhere else to turn for.

KC ;)
Is there a Beginner for Beginners forum where I can post this question? That's the only reason I can figure why I haven't gotten any response that I desperately need. I thought no question was too stupid. So, assume that I'm REAL, REAL stupid, and give me your best shot...ANYBODY. I apologize for the sarcasm, really, I do. I know this is free, and I get what I pay for. I'm just trying to make some important decisions about my site. At least I think they're important.

KC :confused:
Hi KC,

The difference between the two types of sites is not entirely clear, perhaps you could elaborate a bit more?

Content, when original and good quality, is always a benefit to a website, and the more informed a customer is, the more likely they are to buy.

Also, keep in mind that with Affiliate Summit going on this week lots of people are away and/or occupied :)

Thanks Julia for your gracious reply. Seriously. You're right. I forgot the Summit was going on. I'd heard so much about it, I thought it might be done by now.

As to my problem...I wasn't necessarily considering two separate sites, but I was wondering if having so many ads to the left and right of my content may be distracting. For instance, since my site content is primarily a blogging site, AND since I'm planning to use a lot of links to thru the actual text in my blogs (which I'm still having techy problems with) to refer my readers to the many books and CD's by the authors and musicians I write about I felt like that would be sufficient notice to get them to

However, I would also add another couple of pages dedicated entirely to the merchandising and graphic display of all sorts of merchandise that I would sell on my site. That way I could give space to show an actual book, or CD cover (for example), as opposed to endless text that quite often gets lost in all of the other competing ads. So, I could not only incl. books and CD's that I write about, but my e-books and other folks e-books that are related to my content. Even better, I could have a section for selling Internet Mrktg materials, and ads for Affiliate Tutoring sites, etc. because eventhough, I'd like to make some $$$ promoting these programs, I'd hardly ever do any real blogging about them on my site; at least I don't plan to right now. Keep in mind, it would be VERY organized in order to keep the customer from getting confused.

There. That's my idea. Thanks MUCHO again for your patience, and any opinion you and anybody else can offer.

If you have an idea, it's always worth it to give it a try. Toss up your page that you're thinking about, put some stat/analytics on there, and see how it works with your visitors.

That being said, just a couple thoughts about your idea:

1) You don't want to have your visitors make to many clicks to get to the offer. Just bear that in mind.

2) Make sure your "product page" is pretty well organized with a good clean layout. Don't make it look like a banner farm with just a bunch of stuff thrown up there.

3) Think about it from your visitors perspective. Why would they want to click through to your product page off of your content page? Give them a clear path to eventually make a purchase.