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Guys, you don’t have to set your target settings “with your eyes closed” in the hope that everything will work out by itself! Not anymore! The Webvork affiliate program provides data on the target audience for each of its offers.
We collected this data from a report on valid leads for the entire existence of our CPA network.

Such statistics will save you time on tests and give +100 points to understanding your target audience.

Link to the presentation: ENG. Target audience PRESENTATION .pdf

Explore the sats and launch the most profitable ad campaigns!

This week's leader of our weekly approved offers' rating was Cardiobalance in Chile!
That's right, Webvork isn't just about European GEOs, we also have beloved Latin American countries in our system. The offer's approval rate in Chile was 46%.

The second spot went to Varilux Premium in Italy. The offer's been among leaders for months, performing with high approval rates.
The third spot was taken over by Slim4Vit in Austria. This offer's average approval rate was 42%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

iProxy is an app that allows affiliates and marketers to get mobile proxies at a very low price, with a guarantee of them being high quality and performing at a high speed.
The app also allows you to use mobile proxies in any place in the world, even the most remote ones!

This service is a godsend for all publishers who absolutely cannot work without proxies.

And this is even a better opportunity with our "Webvork" promo code! This gives you a 15% discount on BigDaddy and BigDaddy Pro plans.

To activate the code, contact their Telegram: Evgeny #SmoguVse

Guys, Webvork is planning a CPA Live 2022 pre-party, which means that you will 100% remember this summer!

Our parties are known for a special vibe, friendly atmosphere, unlimited drinks and snacks, an interesting and fuss-free show program, and this event will not be an exception.

And on this day, we will also have a grand drawing of the main prize of the Window to Europe competition. And one of our publishers will go home with the keys to the precious apartment!

We are happy to invite all publishers involved in the nutra vertical, however, only those who pre-register and receive an individual number will get to come.
Register now: Webvork Pre-Party 16.08.22

The party will take place on August 16th, 2022 in St. Petersburg. We will inform each guest about the venue individually after registration has been completed and approved.

We missed you! See you at the PRE PARTY!

Guys, this year, Webvork is taking part in the Affbank Awards!

For several years before, we have been working hard so that you can afford a little more.
And now we will just list a few facts why Webvork is the best product affiliate program:

• the highest payout first hand rates for nutra in Europe
• always high approvals
• really high-quality goods that meet all EU standards
• a great loyalty program for affiliates: referral fees, a permanent gift store, large contests with apartments and trips giveaways
• own meetups and parties
• unique educational content, affiliate manuals, interesting interviews

Vote for us in the "Best Nutra Affiliate Network" category: The Biggest Competition of this Year!

Support us to make the affiliate market even better and more profitable!

Thank you!

May the lovers of high profit and admirers of thick hair cheer! Today, we can finally combine two of these things in a new MaxiGrow offer.

MaxiGrow is a premium quality hair mask that restores its beauty and strength, and also promotes hair growth. Ingredients contain keratin, biotin, and argan oil.

Available for these GEOs:

Payout rates start from 22 euros per lead

During summer, hair is often damaged due to the sun exposure. It loses its shine, becomes brittle, and falls out. MaxiGrow will successfully fit into the concept of helping hair in the summer, so contact your personal manager and start testing the new product!

Hi everyone! The guest of our today’s interview is one of the cofounders of the Neocreo creative studio – Kristina.
We talked about the origin of the studio, discussed the situation on the creative market, different creative approaches, and much more. Kristina also spoke about the success of the studio and the direction in which they want to move on.
Enjoy your reading:

Our new Insulinorm product was literally just released and it already got the first place in this rating. In Italy, the offer earned 45% of approval.
Latin America also continues to please us. Cardiobalance in Chile go the 2nd spot, its approval rate amounted to 43%.
The third place is also taken by Cardiobalance, but in Switzerland with a 41% approval rate and payouts starting from €36.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
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Guys, today we have prepared a fresh selection of the best campaign approaches of the month for you. This data is selected based on our affiliate program’s measurements over the previous month. Each approach consists of an offer, a geo, the best pre-landing and the best landing pages.

Link to new approaches:Webvork. Affiliate Program

5 offers – 5 campaign approaches – 5 opportunities to earn even more with Webvork!

Dear Friends, the AFFBANK poll still continues and we’d like to remind you that it costs very little to make your favorite affiliate network happy – just about 30 seconds of your time

Webvork is a long-standing provider in selling high-quality nutra in Europe and even Latin America, as of recently. It’s our own products without reselling, providing first-hand rates. It’s our own call centers with native speakers to ensure your high approval. It's about 24/7 help in solving your issues; from translating creatives to providing online bank cards. And finally, Webvork provides opportunities! Opportunities to earn more than just your profit by exchanging points for valuable prizes and winning super prizes in our annual contests!

Vote for us in the "Best Nutra Affiliate Network" category: The Biggest Competition of this Year!

Thank you!

Here’s a new list of top offers regarding to their approval rates.
This week, Varilux Premium got the 1 place after having a little hiatus from the top. It’s got a 42% approval rate in Italy.
Insulinorm is getting stronger too — this new offer got the 2nd place with 40% in Italy.
And Cardiobalance is the last one of the leaders with a 39% approval rate in Italy.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

We know what you’re doing on August 16th. You’re partying with Webvork in Saint Petersburg!

To visit our party means to indulge in a specific vibey and extra friendly atmosphere.

On that day, you’re going to see an unforgettable show, enjoy our open bar and unlimited snacks, and the main prizes giveaway.

✨And the highlight of the program is the apartment giveaway among publishers who drove and are driving traffic with Webvork!

Sing up and get approved: Webvork Pre-Party 16.08.22

The party will be held on August 16th, 2022 in Saint Petersburg. We’ll inform each guest about the party spot individually after they’re signed up and approved.

We missed you! See you at the PRE PARTY!
✨ Start the week with a fresh list of top approved offers!

Varilux Premium is, again, the leader of the week. In Italy, its approval rate went up to 44%.
Latin America still has impressive performance rates – Cardiobalance earned 40% of approval in Chile. The third place went to Insulinorm with a 39% approval rate and payout rates starting from €38 in Italy.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

The guest of today’s interview is Vladislav Bochkaryov.
Vladislav worked as an affiliate manager and then went on to drive traffic. He managed to work with Facebook (banned in the Russian Federation), SEO, teaser networks, and Twitter. Right now, the main source of traffic for Vladislav is TikTok.

We talked about campaign tests, how to switch from Facebook to TikTok, ROI, campaigns, and many other things.

Enjoy your reading: Affiliate talks: Vladislav Bochkaryov - Webvork Blog
✨ THE PREPARTY MEDIA PARTNER – the M1 Affiliate Network

On August 16, we will host an event in St. Petersburg that all nutra affiliates are waiting for – a party dedicated to this vertical, as well as to the top publishers of the niche!

The M1 affiliate network (CPA сеть - M1) will help us with media coverage in holding this event:

• It’s a direct nutra advertiser in Latin America and Europe
• Payouts up to $50
• Their own call center with up to 50% approval in Latin America and 45% and higher in the EU

M1 are experts in the field of nutra-offers and are our good friends.

Sign up for PREPARTY here: Webvork Pre-Party 16.08.22
✨ Meeting the last month of the summer with top approved offers of the week!

Last week introduced some changes to our top 3. Cystinorm in Italy became the leader among all with a 46% approval rate.
The all-time classic – Artrolux + Cream, got back to the top. This offer got the 2nd place. And last but not least, Varilux Premium got the 3rd spot. Its approval rate was 40% in Switzerland.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

We know what you’re doing on August 16th. You’re partying with Webvork in Saint Petersburg!

To visit our party means to indulge in a specific vibey and extra friendly atmosphere.

On that day, you’re going to see an unforgettable show, enjoy our open bar and unlimited snacks, and the main prizes giveaway.

✨And the highlight of the program is the apartment giveaway among publishers who drove and are driving traffic with Webvork!

Sing up and get approved: Webvork Pre-Party 16.08.22

The party will be held on August 16th, 2022 in Saint Petersburg. We’ll inform each guest about the party spot individually after they’re signed up and approved.

We missed you! See you at the PRE PARTY!
‍ Creative room — your source of inspiration!

Today, we will introduce you to a fresh Webvork offer that helps take care of the beauty and health of people’s hair – MaxiGrow. It is useful for both women and men because this problem concerns everyone.

In the article, we will look at approaches and creatives for working with this offer so that it's easier for you to generate profit.

Enjoy: Creative room : MaxiGrow - Webvork Blog

We’ve just updated our list of top offers of the week to inspire you to drive nutra traffic with approval rates starting exclusively at 40%.
This week’s absolute leader is Prostatricum in Italy. This offer-veteran is continuing generating impressive conversion and approval rates.
The second spot went to Varilux Premium in Italy with a 44% approval rate.
The third place has Swiss Cardiobalance with 42% approval rate and payout rates staring at €36.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
Virtual phone numbers can be used for a bunch of reasons when it comes to working with Facebook: creating accounts, linking a new phone number to an existing account, and earning the platform’s trust points, which are always a good thing.

In this article, we will tell you where you can get virtual numbers to create new Facebook accounts and talk about their pros and cones.

The article’s already up: Why do we need to use virtual phone numbers when working with Facebook? - Webvork Blog