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Doubt is the worst enemy. But our partners no longer need to doubt anything because everything can be checked!

Webvork provides recordings of call center conversations for each of your applications.

You no longer need to ask your fortune from your coffee grounds and guess some of your leads get trashed or rejected — just contact your manager and make sure that your leads are professionally processed by listening to our recordings from the call center!
Creative room — your source of inspiration!

WHO reported that back in 2016, approximately 13% of the adult population of our planet had a pretty certain diagnosis – obesity. It is difficult to argue with this diagnosis, since the mirror does not lie. As for locality, such a disease lives in all regions with the exception of some parts of Africa and Asia.

Our new offer Dr. Skinny will help you solve this customer pain. And our new article will let you in on some ideas on how to advertise this offer.
Enjoy: Creative Room: Dr. Skinny - Webvork Blog

Guys, we’ve updated the rating of our top offers of the week by approval, so let’s see them together!

Italy is at its peak again — all three places go to this GEO, whose residents do not skimp on health care

Insulinorm got the first line, the offer was approved by 43%, and the payout rate was great and started at €40. Prostaktiv, with a 40% approval, is in second place. And Varitone, a varicose tanning treatment, was in third place, earning a 38% approval.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

Aren’t you tired of testing offers? We did it for you and found out which offers, which GEOs and which promo materials convert best!

Catch the five top campaign approaches from Webvork:
Webvork. Affiliate Program

Save time on campaign tests with Webvork!

Dear partners, from today on, our line of offers for normalizing blood sugar is gettinga new product — Betasulin capsules

The product has natural ingredients: cinnamon bark extract, green coffee extract, sunflower lecithin, selenomethionine and B vitamins.

Italy is currently open for the offer with a payout rate of €38

Enable the new product using the link and enjoy your profit: Webvork

Dear friends, Cardiobalance is a truly unique offer, because none of our offers have ever taken the first place in the weekly rating of offers’ approvals such a huge number of times as this herbal heart support product!
Its approval is stable at 40%+, and our payout rates nicely complement this nuber ☺️:

Italy – starting at €40
Austria – starting at €38
Germany – starting at €38
Spain – starting at €37
Portugal – starting at €32

In July, CardioBalance is the top offer of the month, which means that you can text your personal manager and ask for a higher payout rate

Link to the offer Авторизоваться

As they say, money will not earn itself, so go ahead and start driving traffic to the top offers of this week right now!

In first place in terms of approval, we have the Prostatricum offer in Italy. This bestseller has been making us all happy for several years with a consistently high approval rate, every now and then getting into our top list.
With the same approval rate, we have our offer Cardiobalance today.42% in sunny Italy.
The third line is occupied by a new product — Varicaps Max. In this heat, everyone just needs to prevent varicose veins and leg fatigue! Its approval rate in Spain went up to 40%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
In 2023, TikTok has 1+ billion users, and more than 55% of them are female. The age profile of a typical TikTok user goes from 25 to 44 years old.
It’s obvious that this Chinese giant has traffic from all sorts of GEOs. The myths about the alleged insolvency of a large part of TikTok’s audience remain myths – TikTok users have income ranging from the average bar and above.

Let’s see what affiliate marketing on TikTok looks like these days: Driving traffic from TikTok. Everything you need to know to start driving traffic - Webvork Blog
‍ Creative room — your source of inspiration!

“The disease of civilization” is an unspoken name that WHO gave not to osteochondrosis, not to obesity, and not even to coronavirus, but to varicose veins. According to WHO, the causes of varicose veins are all factors of urbanization and technological progress.

In the US, 54% of women aged 30-50 have varicose veins. In Central Europe, the situation is slightly better – 32% of women struggle from this disease.
Men experience this trouble twice as less.
And for these people, pharmaceuticals have prepared our Varitone offer. And you can see how to advertise this offer in our new article: Creative Room: Varitone - Webvork Blog

Guys, our new offer Varicaps is an original remedy that helps prevent varicose veins and alleviate the consequences of this condition.
Capsules, unlike creams, act on the problem from the inside, and this offer can work perfectly both on its own and in combination with other offers of the varicose veins line!

Payouts start from €37 per lead, and, until the end of the month, you have an opportunity to get an increase your payout rate — just contact your personal manager

➡️ Enable Varicaps: Webvork

Dear partners, we have updated the rating of the top offers of the week by approval rates.

This Monday, according to the results of the weekly traffic volume, the Varilux Premium offer to Italy became the leader. Its average approval was 40%.
Another offer in the niche of varicose vein supplements took the second line. Varitone — a means for preventing varicose veins with a self-tanning effect — earned 39% in Italy.
And the top three is closed by Prostaktiv. The remedy for "male" problems in Spain received 38% approval.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
✨ Arab Holidays sponsor - Aivix Affiliate Program

In mid-September already, we’ll hold an event in Dubai with a rich two-day program for our publishers!

One of the sponsors of the meeting of affiliates in the Emirates will be the Aivix crypto-offer affiliate network.

Aivix is a reliable partner in the world of crypto and finance. 100 different GEOs and top payouts for each of them, as well as experienced and responsive support.
Try out the promising niche of crypto-offers at Aivix!

In the United Arab Emirates, all guests of the event will have a Gala dinner, as well as incredible adventures in the company of the most experienced professionals in the industry, who, due to their traffic volumes, will come to the UAE with Webvork.

Do you want to go to Dubai with us too? Read the details on the website: Арабские каникулы с webvork

We think you have guessed what tracker we are talking about, because this is one of the most recognizable tools on the affiliate market — the Keitaro tracker!

Not so long ago, Keitaro has been majorly updated to the tenth version and at the same time has acquired additional features:

✅ accelerated reports,
✅full support for IPv6,
✅ built-in geo-bases,
✅ tracking user actions,
✅integration with Namecheap,
✅Cloudflare and more.

You can see the full list of Keitaro’s 10 features at the link Effective solution for affiliate and performance marketing

A 14-day trial is available for all new users, during which you can confidently taste Keitaro and decide to use the tracker further for work.

And with the WEBVORK promotional code, you can get a real 25% discount on payment!

Facebook's bidding strategies are a race against competing advertisers and it's a common thing in our industry. The struggle here runs for attention to the ad and, as a result, for the target action. And those who were able to get the highest bids, go forward. Even when the bid is double that of the rival firm, Facebook will only accept the funds it needs to win.

Facebook bids aren’t about betting or trading, but it's worth talking about them in detail. We’ll also find out what our expert, Ivan Merkulov, owner of the Carbon affiliate team, thinks about it.

Find out right now: Facebook bidding strategies: which one should you choose? - Webvork Blog

During the entire last week, you were diligently driving your traffic, and so today, based on the statistics you your approval rates, we're ready to share the top three most successful offers with you.
In the first place we have the most summery offer — Varitone that cures varicose veins and with a tanning effect. In Italy, the offer scored 39%.
The second place is taken by Cystinorm. The approval rate for the offer was 38% in Italy, its payout rate starts at €40 per lead.
The bronze medal went yo the cream against joint pain — Artrolux + Cream in Spain.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

Guys, our Arab Holidays contest is over! But the adventure is only just beginning — after all, an unforgettable trip to Dubai in September awaits all the winners

15 top publishers are already guaranteed to pack their bags for a trip with us, but for those partners who took places from 16 to 50, the competition is still going.

10 lucky winners will be selected by randomizer service live on August 20 at 15:00 Moscow time on our YouTube channel:

In the United Arab Emirates, all the winners will have a rich entertainment program, a luxurious Gala Dinner, a sea of new acquaintances, and networking time with the best of the best of the nutra-market affiliates

Read more about the contest on the website: Arab holiday with WEBVORK
Want to get traffic in such a way that you don’t have to spend your money at all?
No, we aren’t saying you should mercilessly get first-bill payouts or hack other people's crypto wallets. We would like to recall all the sources of free traffic lying around out there, and the fact that some of these sources have been forgotten for a while will not affect the result and the free traffic.
So, it’s time to learn or remember everything that can bring you free traffic to your website in 2023.

Find out on our blog: How to get free traffic to your website and other platforms in 2023 - Webvork Blog

Not only do you want to go to Italy on vacation in the summer, but driving traffic here is also the right decision. After all, today's list is all dedicated to this beautiful country, which has absolutely everything: history, excellent cuisine, architecture, as well as leads to nutra products☺️

So, the first offer in today’s top is Insulinorm. The offer’s approval was 40%, and the payout for one leaf starts at €40. New Dr.Cardio got the second place — 36% of approval. And Vitavisin Caps closes the top three with an approval of 33%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

I wish I could become a Webvork offer, help people with joint problems, travel the world, like, for example, our Artroflex in Portugal…

Dreams, of course, are just dreams, but many of them do come true — you can 100% travel the world if you start working with a fresh offer with a fresh GEO at Webvork!

Artroflex Aktiv are classic capsules for joint problems, for the prevention of arthritis, and for strengthening bones overall. Sore knees after 30 are not a joke and the target audience is truly vast.

Payouts in Portugal start from €32

➡️ Enable the offer at the link: Webvork
‍ Creative room — your source of inspiration!

According to official WHO statistics, 17.9 million people annually die of cardiovascular diseases every year. Sounds very scary and quite convincing.
It’s a harsh fact. But the more obvious is the need for people in products that can help with cardiovascular diseases. And the more convincing your creatives on this topic can be.

Let’s see creative approaches for when working with Dr. Cardio: Creative Room: Dr. Cardio - Webvork Blog