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Seeking Help What are the best strategies to promote affiliate links?


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I have been doing affiliate marketing for the past two years. I have implemented all the strategies i know but yet I'm still not getting sales. I do get clicks on my links but I'm not getting sales. Does anyone here have a different approach?

  • What are you selling; and
  • Who are you selling it for?
  • Where is the `traffic` that is `clicking` with no results coming from?
The above are the lit of possible weak links in the chain to *success*
Hello Stona1,

two years without a sale...that is pretty rough, kudos to you for perservering, though it is perhaps not a bad idea to seek help sooner. What are you trying to promote, what channels do you utilize for traffic? What strategies have you tried so far?
Well it depends on so many factors maybe the traffic source its not good ,maybe offer or your aproach ,you are too spamy and many other factors
As beginers i recomend the review products method on youtube but for this to see results you need to put some work and rank some youtube videos or blog articles .You cannot expect to make 3 review youtube videos and to be able to make a lot of money .This method has the advantage that you will make sales more easy as people are already with the card in hand
Outline your funnels here so that we can see what you are doing.

What's your tracker data say?
Are you split testing your ads, copy, colors, landers, etc.?
How are you targeting?
What geos are you targeting?
What demographics are you targeting?
What niche(s) are you targeting?
What's your ad spend monthly?
I have been doing affiliate marketing for the past two years. I have implemented all the strategies i know but yet I'm still not getting sales. I do get clicks on my links but I'm not getting sales. Does anyone here have a different approach?
Go visit the gpt store on ChatGPT and search for ARTI, just released today, very possible to have answers you are looking for, definitely worth checking out, hope you’re successful, stay at it
Go visit the gpt store on ChatGPT and search for ARTI, just released today, very possible to have answers you are looking for, definitely worth checking out, hope you’re successful, stay at it
I just copy and pasted your question into ARTI, there were 8 nuggets that were provided to get things going in your direction, good luck
I have been doing affiliate marketing for the past two years. I have implemented all the strategies i know but yet I'm still not getting sales. I do get clicks on my links but I'm not getting sales. Does anyone here have a different approach?

I have been doing affiliate marketing for the past two years. I have implemented all the strategies i know but yet I'm still not getting sales. I do get clicks on my links but I'm not getting sales. Does anyone here have a different approach?
It sounds like you’ve put in the effort but haven’t yet cracked the code on conversions. Since you're already driving clicks but not getting sales, it’s likely the issue lies within conversion rate optimization (CRO) rather than traffic generation. Let’s dive into a few potential areas to troubleshoot and improve your approach:

1. Check Your Audience Alignment

Are your offers truly matching the needs of your audience? Sometimes the audience may click out of curiosity, but the product doesn’t fully solve their problem. Re-evaluate whether your offers are tightly aligned with your audience’s pain points and needs.

Survey your audience to understand what problems they are facing and why they might be hesitating to buy. You could even run a poll to get direct feedback.

2. Evaluate Your Pre-Sell Strategy

Are you warming up your audience properly? Pre-selling involves educating your audience about the product before they even see the offer. If you’re driving cold traffic straight to the product page, the clickers might not be ready to buy.

Try adding more product reviews, tutorials, or case studies before directing them to the affiliate link. These pieces of content can increase trust and remove any purchase hesitations.

3. Optimize Your Call to Action (CTA)

Are your CTAs compelling and clear? Sometimes a weak or generic call to action doesn’t create enough urgency or excitement. Make sure your CTA is action-driven, specific, and focused on the benefit they’ll get.

Consider using phrases like:

“Get 30% off today and start transforming your [problem] now.”

“Sign up now and experience [specific result] within days!”

Test different CTA placements within your content (above the fold, in the middle, at the end) to see what resonates better with your audience.

4. Test with A/B Split Testing

Run A/B tests on your landing pages and CTAs. Test different headlines, CTA buttons, layouts, or even product descriptions to find out what resonates best. Small tweaks can make a big difference in conversions.

Use tools like Google Optimize or Optimizely to make data-driven adjustments.

5. Trust Elements & Social Proof

Is your landing page or content lacking social proof? Include testimonials, user reviews, case studies, or even stats on how many others have benefited from the product. These elements help build trust and reduce hesitation.

Create urgency with time-limited offers, countdown timers, or highlighting scarcity like “Only 3 spots left!”

6. Analyze User Behavior

Are users dropping off after clicking your affiliate link? Use tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg to analyze how users interact with your page. It could reveal potential friction points in your funnel that prevent conversions.

Consider setting up heatmaps or session recordings to see where users are clicking and where they drop off.

7. Retarget Your Clickers

Use retargeting ads for users who have clicked but not converted. You can retarget them on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, offering additional value or a limited-time offer to get them back into your funnel.

8. Offer Bonuses or Incentives

Give additional bonuses for purchasing through your link. For example, offer an exclusive guide, access to a private group, or a mini-course that complements the affiliate product.

Create a sense of exclusivity by positioning the bonus as a limited-time offer only available through your affiliate link.

Since you’ve been at it for two years, these optimizations should help you better convert clicks into sales. Would you like help with setting up any specific tactics from the list? Or is there a particular method you’d like to test first? Come visit me, ARTI, I’m free to use in the GPT Store on ChatGPT. Let’s get together and discuss the best you will succeed
that is a bunch of AI bullshit ^^^

Just generic comments I have seen over and over.

I think you are just here to hype ARTI and can offer no empirical proof of SEO effect --prove me wrong I dare ya.

Man I’m thick skinned so I can appreciate the honest feedback, 27 years in the oilfield will do that– I totally get where you're coming from. Full disclosure: I’m still pretty new to ARTI myself. Only been messing around with it for about 7-ish hours today after finding it in the GPT store. I damn sure am no expert in all the jargon like APIs or plug-ins either.

There are a few things I tried out that seemed pretty cool:
Niche Selection: Helped me find some profitable niches that I wouldn't have thought of.
Content Strategy: Suggested a plan for blog posts and product reviews, which was surprisingly useful.
SEO Basics: Gave me tips on basic SEO stuff like keywords and internal linking.
Affiliate Link Management: Showed me how to track affiliate links and keep them healthy (no broken links!).
Traffic Generation: Had some decent advice on getting traffic through social media and email marketing.

It will also speak to you based on your competency level of a starter, intermediate or an expert, guess we will see if this thing is legitimate or not
Im first to say I can’t prove ARTI’s SEO magic on a deep, technical level mBut if I could and it worked, we’d all be jumping up and down, right?

At the end of the day, I’m just here trying to figure things out like everyone else. So I appreciate the skepticism—it keeps things real. Happy to keep testing and see where it goes!

I guess my favorite thing about it is being able to ask anything about affiliate marketing and getting a response that I go back and research some more and it ends up being true or along the right path but it’s all structured for me. I don’t have to put it all together And a lot of my research almost sing meaningless, and it turns it into pretty damn good strategies in my opinion, but we’ll see if I become successful or not. Have a good one man appreciate it.

Man I’m thick skinned so I can appreciate the honest feedback, 27 years in the oilfield will do that– I totally get where you're coming from. Full disclosure: I’m still pretty new to ARTI myself. Only been messing around with it for about 7-ish hours today after finding it in the GPT store. I damn sure am no expert in all the jargon like APIs or plug-ins either.

There are a few things I tried out that seemed pretty cool:
Niche Selection: Helped me find some profitable niches that I wouldn't have thought of.
Content Strategy: Suggested a plan for blog posts and product reviews, which was surprisingly useful.
SEO Basics: Gave me tips on basic SEO stuff like keywords and internal linking.
Affiliate Link Management: Showed me how to track affiliate links and keep them healthy (no broken links!).
Traffic Generation: Had some decent advice on getting traffic through social media and email marketing.

It will also speak to you based on your competency level of a starter, intermediate or an expert, guess we will see if this thing is legitimate or not
Im first to say I can’t prove ARTI’s SEO magic on a deep, technical level mBut if I could and it worked, we’d all be jumping up and down, right?

At the end of the day, I’m just here trying to figure things out like everyone else. So I appreciate the skepticism—it keeps things real. Happy to keep testing and see where it goes!

I guess my favorite thing about it is being able to ask anything about affiliate marketing and getting a response that I go back and research some more and it ends up being true or along the right path but it’s all structured for me. I don’t have to put it all together And a lot of my research almost sing meaningless, and it turns it into pretty damn good strategies in my opinion, but we’ll see if I become successful or not. Have a good one man appreciate it.
And the gentleman with no sells in 2 years I’m gonna get back with him and see if those things have previously been implemented and obviously had no success or will he try a few and let us know if he finally broke the streak, I’m rooting for him,?think we all are,
Fair enough, you are a newish user of AI.

I think AI and SEO will never work well.
AI and paid placement advertising for a brand or even an affiliate offer made through an ad will work (Ad networks, DSP, etc).

SEO is a poor man's dream --that seldom amounts to much.
Fair enough, you are a newish user of AI.

I think AI and SEO will never work well.
AI and paid placement advertising for a brand or even an affiliate offer made through an ad will work (Ad networks, DSP, etc).

SEO is a poor man's dream --that seldom amounts to much.
Like the Buffett quote you have , another of his or maybe Charlie Munger went something like this - when sitting to play poker tand you take a look around the table and don’t know who the Patsy is, it’s you.
OK. I know that quote, I that suppose to be a comeback :D
Benzinga openly confesses to AI. I get the pro heads up via Fidelity.
I just checked the broad term 'Financial News' in a Google search --Benzinga is no where to be seen in the first 30 SERPs. Not conclusive but a harbinger.

Benzinga's content is useful, timely and in depth however --and apparently merchantable.

Most SEO is a load of shit --unless you are a name-recognized brand or really have heavy traffic with some unique and unsaturated *thing*
It sounds like you’ve put in the effort but haven’t yet cracked the code on conversions. Since you're already driving clicks but not getting sales, it’s likely the issue lies within conversion rate optimization (CRO) rather than traffic generation. Let’s dive into a few potential areas to troubleshoot and improve your approach:

1. Check Your Audience Alignment

Are your offers truly matching the needs of your audience? Sometimes the audience may click out of curiosity, but the product doesn’t fully solve their problem. Re-evaluate whether your offers are tightly aligned with your audience’s pain points and needs.

Survey your audience to understand what problems they are facing and why they might be hesitating to buy. You could even run a poll to get direct feedback.

2. Evaluate Your Pre-Sell Strategy

Are you warming up your audience properly? Pre-selling involves educating your audience about the product before they even see the offer. If you’re driving cold traffic straight to the product page, the clickers might not be ready to buy.

Try adding more product reviews, tutorials, or case studies before directing them to the affiliate link. These pieces of content can increase trust and remove any purchase hesitations.

3. Optimize Your Call to Action (CTA)

Are your CTAs compelling and clear? Sometimes a weak or generic call to action doesn’t create enough urgency or excitement. Make sure your CTA is action-driven, specific, and focused on the benefit they’ll get.

Consider using phrases like:

“Get 30% off today and start transforming your [problem] now.”

“Sign up now and experience [specific result] within days!”

Test different CTA placements within your content (above the fold, in the middle, at the end) to see what resonates better with your audience.

4. Test with A/B Split Testing

Run A/B tests on your landing pages and CTAs. Test different headlines, CTA buttons, layouts, or even product descriptions to find out what resonates best. Small tweaks can make a big difference in conversions.

Use tools like Google Optimize or Optimizely to make data-driven adjustments.

5. Trust Elements & Social Proof

Is your landing page or content lacking social proof? Include testimonials, user reviews, case studies, or even stats on how many others have benefited from the product. These elements help build trust and reduce hesitation.

Create urgency with time-limited offers, countdown timers, or highlighting scarcity like “Only 3 spots left!”

6. Analyze User Behavior

Are users dropping off after clicking your affiliate link? Use tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg to analyze how users interact with your page. It could reveal potential friction points in your funnel that prevent conversions.

Consider setting up heatmaps or session recordings to see where users are clicking and where they drop off.

7. Retarget Your Clickers

Use retargeting ads for users who have clicked but not converted. You can retarget them on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, offering additional value or a limited-time offer to get them back into your funnel.

8. Offer Bonuses or Incentives

Give additional bonuses for purchasing through your link. For example, offer an exclusive guide, access to a private group, or a mini-course that complements the affiliate product.

Create a sense of exclusivity by positioning the bonus as a limited-time offer only available through your affiliate link.

Since you’ve been at it for two years, these optimizations should help you better convert clicks into sales. Would you like help with setting up any specific tactics from the list? Or is there a particular method you’d like to test first? Come visit me, ARTI, I’m free to use in the GPT Store on ChatGPT. Let’s get together and discuss the best you will succeed
76% of that post is AI. Many other threads and posts of yours have been 100% AI. So, I say to you STOP POSTING AI directly into posts and thrreads. That violtes our TOS. If you have AI content to post, then post it as a screenshot!

AI content is a negative in the SERPS and it is not allowed here. STOP IT!
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OK. I know that quote, I that suppose to be a comeback :D
Benzinga openly confesses to AI. I get the pro heads up via Fidelity.
I just checked the broad term 'Financial News' in a Google search --Benzinga is no where to be seen in the first 30 SERPs. Not conclusive but a harbinger.

Benzinga's content is useful, timely and in depth however --and apparently merchantable.

Most SEO is a load of shit --unless you are a name-recognized brand or really have heavy traffic with some unique and unsaturated *thing*
Wasn’t a comeback at all, if we were sitting around the boardroom about to bring a deep water drilling rig on in 10,000 foot of water. Maybe you would be the Patsy there but contacts were you have for superior knowledge the Patsy would be me.