I get emails all the time asking me to sign up for some crap or asking me to buy something without giving me at least some free information I can at least use...
This is what I consider spam.
Let's just say someone was to send out emails to people they don't know but the emails being free articles without pushing anything on those people
Yes, articles with links in them to affiliate hoplink but not telling them things like: This product is great you should buy it.. Basically telling them HERE is some free information you can use. Please enjoy
Would this be on borderline of spam/not spam or what?
If I got the free info I have with a nice email like that, I would absolutely enjoy it and not at all be mad about an email like that I would probably put their email on my trusted list so I wouldn't miss any more free information.
I do have a lot of free information about my product and it is really good stuff, so what does everyone think?
This is what I consider spam.
Let's just say someone was to send out emails to people they don't know but the emails being free articles without pushing anything on those people
Yes, articles with links in them to affiliate hoplink but not telling them things like: This product is great you should buy it.. Basically telling them HERE is some free information you can use. Please enjoy
Would this be on borderline of spam/not spam or what?
If I got the free info I have with a nice email like that, I would absolutely enjoy it and not at all be mad about an email like that I would probably put their email on my trusted list so I wouldn't miss any more free information.
I do have a lot of free information about my product and it is really good stuff, so what does everyone think?