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Review What is cloaking?


Well-Known Member
What is cloaking, basically cloaking is a internet criminal enterprise.

What I mean by that is, it's a violation of terms of service and overall, a deceptive practice.

Sure, you can make money by deceiving people and cloaking, but the grief you're going to get on both the front end and the back end may or may not be worth it.

You might as well be walking into the advertising or affiliate networks' office with an AK-47 and just stick them up.

However, cloaking is not a criminal offense (usually).
There is no internet court.
You just get screwed out of your money now and then.
If that's okay with you, well, then go ahead, enjoy your cloaking. More wins than losses equals a profit.

Most of the *Disputes* forum here is directly related to this less than ethical practice of cloaking.
Stop posting on forums all day and go DO something.

A cloaker is invaluable. If you'd be running campaigns you'd know how much bad traffic is being sold by traffic sources. Using a cloaking service you can redirect all those bots and other affiliates behind proxies somewhere far away from your money page. But If you want your landers plastered all over spy tools, by all means, go unprotected and pay for absolute bottom tier traffic and wonder why it doesn't convert.

I wish this forum would hide threads from ignored users as well instead of just posts. I think anybody with more than a week of experience in AM knows you're just the resident forum troll here.

Affiliate marketing is HARD. I've been busting my balls for the past 3 weeks optimizing my campaign. I'm up to version 28 for my page now, hoping to beat version 18, which has been going so strong that I have a hard time beating that.

NOBODY posting on forums all day should give advice or critique on how it should or shouldn't be done.

If you're serious about AM, a cloaker is a must. Period.

Have a nice day.
A cloaker is invaluable. If you'd be running campaigns you'd know how much bad traffic is being sold by traffic sources. Using a cloaking service you can redirect all those bots and other affiliates behind proxies somewhere far away from your money page.
That is not cloaking --that is redirecting the trash. did you forget the word Using a cloaking service you can-also- redirect all those bots and other affiliates behind proxies ...