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What is Interstiial ads ?

Hi, @Kc-Tan .

Interstitial ads are full screen mobile ads. If you've ever used Mobicow, that's what they do. You give them your link and the page that link goes to (your offer lander) appears full screen over whatever page the user is on.
Interstitial ads are forbidden on sites by google. They are also cracking down on Interstitial, pop-up adverts. Actually The ad network giant has launched a new interstitial ad unit for mobile sites.
Hi there! In simple terms, interstitial ads are ad pages that show on top of the expected page (the one that usually pops up before you enter a landing page. Sometimes, they pop out to confirm if the user is allowed to read the content, but nowadays it is more used to display certain promotions...:)
Interstitial ads are forbidden on sites by google. They are also cracking down on Interstitial, pop-up adverts. Actually The ad network giant has launched a new interstitial ad unit for mobile sites.

Of course they're forbidding them...because they want people to use theirs. :) Good thing they aren't the only players in town. Even though they are the biggest.