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What is the best media buying vertical for 2022 to start with??

eCommerce, nutra, dating, utility, Sweeps, Betting for verticals and for GEOs it depends.
I recommend you use Mondiad or MGID.
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Hello Cagetim,

I do not have experience with the entire market in general, but I know that gaming offers are working very well for our affiliates. Here is some information and reasons why:
  • Quick user flow - These offers convert on registration or download + enter. Attractive creatives that we provide make it easy to convert visitors into players.
  • Diverse traffic accommodation - Banner, push, native, social and e-mail traffic all work decently, regardless of geo.
  • Competitive payouts - Our media buying team is able to consistently bring in high margins from gaming offers.
If you are interested in promoting such campaigns yourself, feel free to hit me up in DMs here or on Skype (my ID is scriese).