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What is the best platform to target 50 plus apart from Facebook

The new Edge based on open source "Chromium" browser will come with Bing as one of it's search engines (or the default --"Microsoft Edge uses Bing for search" so ... IMO Bing is more GEO specific than age specific however ...
Hey there!
So, you want to target the seniors 50+ .. I don't think Facebook is a good choice for you.
Have a look on this Facebook usage statictics by age ..
++ Make sure that you reach the widest possible of audience
++ Put in mind that unlike young gen who likes to take selfies, these older users enjoy filling up their timelines sharing articles, photos and videos relating to their interests. SO! you've got to try to cultivate an online presence with news stories that may bring the opinionated people out of the shadows

- SAMIRA ^_^​



  • facebook-demographics-2-620x390.png
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Hey, other than facebook, pinterest and instagram is now trending among the age group of 50+. Especially Pinterest can be used as the amount of time spent there is constantly increasing.
Vero is a terrific alternative to Facebook that's worth checking out. This social network is an app-only service, but the app is beautifully designed and easy to use. One of the main appeals of Vero is its chronological timeline which shows all of your feed's posts in order of when they were published.
There are lots of decent platforms like bing, linkedin, instagram, tiktok and so on. However, you'd better to choose the one which will be the most suitable for your niche.
  • Diaspora. Diaspora was created in 2010 as a direct alternative to the centralized corporate mega-giant Facebook was becoming.
  • Vero.
  • Path.
  • Ello.
  • MeWe.
  • Minds.
  • NextDoor.
  • Niche Networks.
10 years ago Facebook had very few users under 30 --well they are over 40 now --time flies ...
But to consider Facebook and over 50's 'social media' hangout? I am not disputing that statistic --just surprised a bit.