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The best SEO tactic is to make sure your mobile-friendly website loads quickly. Website speed is very important for user experience and search engine rankings. In addition, optimizing the site's structure with direct internal linking and clear XML sitemaps makes it easier to analyze and index. Implementing structured data (tags) helps search engines better understand your content and leads to better search results. Finally, regular reviews to fix broken links, duplicate content, and other technical issues ensure a smooth and error-free experience for users and search engines.
There are various things that can be done as part of technical SEO, some of them are:

  • Optimizing your images
  • Minifying your CSS and JavaScript
  • Alt tagging all images
  • Properly arranging H1, H2, H3
  • Schema Markup
  • Mobile responsive
  • Robots txt Optimization
  • XML Sitemaps
  • URL Structuring
  • Canonical Tags
  • Optimize for Google Core Web Vitals

Implementing these techniques can significantly improve your site’s technical SEO health and overall search visibility!