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What is the difference between content strategy and content marketing?

The strategy is your plan for your content - what is the goal of your content, who are you targeting, topics, editorial calendar, what order you want to release your articles, whose going to write them, etc.

Marketing Driving traffic to your content (preferably targeted) and/or building your brand or product recognition.

That's a pretty simple explanation but I think that basically covers it.

Content strategies include several elements: the development of your value proposition; Promoting buyer person development, content mapping for each personality, developing website content, promoting and promoting content assets, flow policy, syndication, content within the content for SEO, editorial calendar, social media promotion, measurement etc.

Content marketing is the process of communicating relevant messages to specific target audiences and individuals during their individual shopping cycles, which creates expertise because of ultimately sales for informing, educating and celebrating the possibilities, and at one point of time, Persistently and systematically

Hope this helps you.
Based on my experience, content strategy is about planning while content marketing is an act of applying those plans you created for your website.
Content Strategy is all-inclusive, while content marketing refers to a single part of an overall content strategy.
In fact, understanding the differences between content marketing and content strategy, as well as planning how they can both work together, is one of the most important things you can do fundamentally for your business to succeed online and beyond.
Noun adjunct

In grammar, a noun adjunct or attributive noun or noun (pre)modifier is an optional noun that modifies another noun; it is a noun functioning as a pre-modifier in a noun phrase. For example, in the phrase "chicken soup" the noun adjunct "chicken" modifies the noun "soup". It is irrelevant whether the resulting compound noun is spelled in one or two parts. "Field" is a noun adjunct in both "field player" and "fieldhouse".[1]

In real life (IRL) terms it's a phrase invented by the Internet to get attention. It's just *armpit wood*
There is a world of difference between content strategy and content marketing.
Content Strategy is all about to figure out what content will help your target audience and inspire them to take actions that boost your business to figuring out what content will help your target audience and inspire them to take actions that boost your business and Content Marketing is all about creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.
The difference between content strategy and content marketing is, in strategy, you plan for your content, for example, the goal of your content, your target and your topic etc. and in marketing, you driving traffic to your content.