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What Is Your Favorite Browser?

I am still love with Forex and chrome both because both are having their own advantages for my work. Few extensions do not work in each other so i have to use both.
Firefox on W7 but I don't know what happened but last couple of days it became slow AF for me, tried reinstall and without addons but nothing works :(
Chrome in private is the best for me !
I test QWANT recently.. its Clean and speed...

Have a good day :affiliatefix:
Tony from Paris
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I like firefox. But recently firefox crashes frequently, think to move chrome. I like firefox because it has the huge number of plugins which are really helpful for my business.
Well Well Well.. I think Google is the one who actually know what users are expecting in a web browser or any tech widget that needs to get released. As per my experience, Google Chrome is one of the finest and optimized browser for usage. However, I do use firefox as a secondary browser.