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What Is Your Favorite Browser?

I like firefox. I am using most stable version of firefox. This is kind a old version of firefox, this is because I found new version a little bit laggy.
Firefox all the way! Love it.

Are you sure your FF is up to date? I've had the crashing prob in the past. Sometimes it was an update bug but mostly, I needed to do an update.
Internet Explorer due to its stability, adherence to web standards and the wide range of plugins.


In all seriousness though, Chrome because I am hooked into so many google services that just work with their browser. Chrome is also faster than any other browser I've used. Built in flash right out of the box and you can open PDF's. I will say this though; Microsofts new edge browser for Windows 10 is looking pretty sweet. I recommend you guys do the free update to Win 10 if you haven't yet. Especially if you are still mucking about in Windows 8/8.1.
I am using Firefox 39.0 and haven't found any crushing problem yet. Well, sometimes my flash plugin crashed when I tried to play the flash game. But I like firefox.
Chrome rocks. I'd be still using Opera (or the new Vivaldi?), but there's no browser with as many features (mostly talking about extensions) as Chrome.
I guess the only one that can leave a mark beside Chrome is FF.

Also : is anybody on Windows 10? If you've given a look into it you must've noticed that they've dropped the name Internet Explorer (maybe cause it sounds so 90s) and re-packaged it and called it Edge.
Now, edge is blazing fast, while I haven't used it more than a dozen of times.
The most amazing feature, for someone like me that is always taking notes in OneNote, is that integration with Onenote itself.
Actually, it's so simple, that I'm thinking about how I could use it into my workflow to take better notes.
Sounds like Evernote is going to become just a simple Task manager now....