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What is your hobby?

Currently hooked on Star Wars: Battlefront on PS4, but video games in general have been a solid hobby for me since I can remember. Fishing and other outdoors stuff is always fun, cooking (and eating!), playing guitar and reading are things I have a lot of fun with though. Oh, and keeping my cats quiet during the day has become a constant hobby of mine too...
there is a saying "you don't realize how boring you are until someone ask you about your hobbies" - well, really, i have no hobby :(

Don't be so hard on yourself. Everybody have hobby even if they don't realize it. For me I started to work out and that was as "thing I hated to do" but after time I started to love it. Try that, you will feel better. ;)
I like taking walks a few time each week and collecting music. I like sewing, crafting, drawing, reading & writing. I enjoy watching movie on Nextflix and when I get the chance I like volunteer my time. I collect items that I can recycle and hope to make a little cash from them. I am a couponer at heart and make one day out of the month to find really good deals or freebies.
I usually allocate my whole weekend hours on Skyrim and drinking coffee on my favorite coffee place just near the city's marketplace, i like to watch sci-fi movies, fantasy, gore, swords and sorcery, psych thrillers.

I also play Airsoft. Unit is an M-16 full metal, PSG grip, complete with bipod and extended stock.

and on special occasions (shameless band promotion) i play as Bass on a local band called "BloodReich" here in the Philippines. We mainly play thrash and boast 4 really really good black thrash original compositions. available locally and on Soundcloud.

Pic attached is the gig last saturday. Keep it heavy you guys!


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My hobby is reading some books, and play videogames, also some football, but I'm so fat right now that can't run all the match lol
I used to have a lot of hobbies /--> biking, strength & endurance training, woodworking, etc.

Hell, just getting out the house and away from the computer should be a hobby of mine these days. ;)