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“AdsEmpire”/Direct Affiliate

What photo editor do you use?

Gimp usually or Inkscape (SVG editor)
ffmpeg for video editing
mogrify or convert on the command line for image resizing, making batch edits or editing images in bash scripts.
my ebatebot manipulates images I get from an webcam or dating XML feed
(cd ${PWD##*/}_img/ && convert -resize 60% -quality 80% -delay 100 -loop 0 *.jpg ${PWD##*/}.gif)
make a series of jpg into an animated gif
Photoshop to edit pictures.
Illustrator to make logos, banners etc.
Lightroom to edit a series of pictures at once.

Ive only started using Lightroom for a few weeks for a custom landing page which we did a photoshoot for. Gotta say, that it works extremely well.

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