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What PPC platforms have better quality traffic and good ROI?


New Member
I've been using 7search for nearly 2 months and I'm not having much success with them yet. I sent my traffic report to them because I could see tons of multiple clicks. They refunded $53 back to my account and block those sources. I'm still having the same problem. I'm thinking about trying Facebook PPC and possible some CPV also. Any suggestions? I'm trying to get to my $50/day goal! :D
What is your budget? Facebook ppc can be expensive if you run traffic in the US. CPV you'll be paying per view, so 1 click might cost 0.20$ (the more CTR, the less expensive).
I've been using 7search for nearly 2 months and I'm not having much success with them yet. I sent my traffic report to them because I could see tons of multiple clicks. They refunded $53 back to my account and block those sources. I'm still having the same problem. I'm thinking about trying Facebook PPC and possible some CPV also. Any suggestions? I'm trying to get to my $50/day goal! :D

Did you use prosper 202 to block bad performing referrer IDs?
Yes, you don't sounds like tracking your campaigns. PPC doesn't work without proper tracking. As mootonandy suggested above, prosper202 is a great free piece of software to track PPC. Read How to setup Prosper202 post on my blog for setup instructions in case you need it.
I've been direct linking; should I create a landing page or iframe? I blocked a few of the Subids but my traffic volume got very low. Lately, I've only been getting a few conversions.
In my opinion, you can't bank quickly with 7search. It's all about discovering winning campaigns. Lots of them will fail and you'll lose some money. But eventually you'll find some winners here and there (with proper tracking and optimizing). Let a campaign run for a week, block bad sub IDs everyday. After a week, you can decide if it's working for you or not. Keep winning once and delete loosers.

Try to collect 10 little winners, you'll be in profit.

And if you're expecting 2-5 conversions a day on one offer with 7 search, it won't be possible. Even if you get it, it won't be profitable. All my winners on 7search are just having 2-4 conversions per week. ROI is great, but earnings are low
I've not personally used 7Search so it's hard for me to say too much about your current campaign however there is some great advice above, sometimes it is key not to give up too early. Dependant on the campaign I would definitely get a landing page live as it will give you more control over the traffic that comes in (although I understand you are only testing).

I have had success with Adwords, Facebook and Bing/Yahoo and found the quality of traffic to be brilliant but as stated before, these sources can be expensive.
God...I'm going to say something that i don't even know if a lot of people on here will even comprehend but,
I used to buy Adwords traffic when it was on $0.01 per freakin click! You read that right...1 cent! The Chris Carpenter method
(Google him).

OT: never used 7search, but spent and extraordinary amount of money on AOL channels (media buying). Always showed up
in the green after a few test campaigns. Cheaper way would be forget about PPC (because to be frank with you, a lot of PPC
platforms are really outdated and most of them are focusing on mobile traffic instead of search) and do CPV with Media Traffic.
I am assuming you have tracking software. I listed other PPC sources here for you to try Adwords is more expensive then 7Search but you would have more success.
Google Adwords
Look Smart
Direct CPV
thanks roger48, i checked it out and that is interesting....i am looking to dig in and need resources like thqat. anybody eles know of a good network with good roi? what is your experiences?