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What To Do When An Offer Closes?

Hey everyone,

A question for you which I hope you can help me with.

I've been running an offer which has recently closed. I'm guessing this is part and parcel of affiliate marketing.

My goal now is to test different offers (similar to the one I was promoting) until I can hit profits again (It was a utility offer).

Just wondering how you go about it when this happens? Do you continue using the same angle and banners to run to the new offer? Do you start your data gathering again? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


@rogerramjeet you're right, it is part and parcel of affiliate marketing. I run some offers on a blog and have to watch for which posts (offers) I have to remove.

If you're staying in the same niche with your new offers, I would think that you have the advantage of knowing what your target audience likes/doesn't like, best geos, etc. although there's no guarantee that the new offer will be as appealing. That's assuming that you've collected and analyzed your previous data for that niche. But generally speaking, you would be starting with some valuable information.

Personally, I would probably use new creatives, ones your audience hasn't seen before. If certain angles worked great before, they may work again.

You're going to want to collect data on your new creatives, so you can keep fine-tuning your campaign(s) and possibly learn even more about your target audience.

P.S. I love Roger Ramjet :)
You take the data and knowledge that you have gained from that campaign and pack it up and move on to the next one.

Mobile offers disappear all the time. There are also a ton of offers. What Affiliate Network(s) are you working with currently?

Thanks for the sage advice Awesome Sauce. It's taking me a little time to make that mental shift of moving on.

F5 Media, AffiliaXE. They're the main networks I'm working ones.
Just wondering how you go about it when this happens? Do you continue using the same angle and banners to run to the new offer? Do you start your data gathering again? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Find a similar offer to the one you were promoting.

When you have profitable campaign, you need to be doing 2 things:
1. Scaling the profitable campaigns
2. Looking for more campaigns.

If one campaign dies or the offer gets pulled down , you still have others making you money.
A lot of great advice here.

I would also recommend that when you have a campaign making money you should be split testing as many similar offers as possible so when your main offer is paused you can replace it with the next best offer you previously tested.
Nobody has mentioned it yet, but many offers can be split tested between networks too. When it goes down worldwide there's not much to do, but many times it gets paused in a few networks only.

Otherwise, find a similar offer. If you're running utilities then it can be replaced since there are a lot of similar offers.
Nobody has mentioned it yet, but many offers can be split tested between networks too. When it goes down worldwide there's not much to do, but many times it gets paused in a few networks only.

Otherwise, find a similar offer. If you're running utilities then it can be replaced since there are a lot of similar offers.

Good point! I've seen that happen - an offer I have on my blog is taken down on one network but pops up or stays on a different one.
Hey everyone - good convo happening in here... mind if I chime in? NeverblueJoao here.

As an Affiliate Manager for Neverblue I see offers come and go ALL the time! It's annoying for everyone really.

When you're dealing in CPA, "quality" always becomes more of an issue than traditional CPS offers.

Mobile app installs is no different, and usually only last for a while because either the advertiser just wants to get to the top of the app store and/or has limited budget and/or got a ton of traffic but couldn't monetize it properly so they paused all "low quality" traffic. Not the affiliates' fault, but that's the issue CPA deals with...

If you want to stick with mobile app installs, you'll probably want to keep a pulse on all new app install offers coming live on your fave networks - and you usually want to be one of the first to test too -- if it's good, milk it while it lasts. If the offer goes down - work closely with your AM to search for a replacement. If you want the exact same offer, you'll have to look elsewhere or wait/hope for the best.

You can also diversify more into CPS (cost per sale) offers because those tend to last longer because the advertiser has less quality issues and therefore more longevity. In mobile, you can do this by dabbling in pin submit offers (since they are basically sales for the adv), but mobile-commerce is on the rise too.

I hope that helps. What are your thoughts?


p.s. If you want, connect with me on Skype at NeverblueJoao.
If you're looking to get an affiliate account w/ Neverblue, sign-up below & I may be able to help with that too. Cheers!
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