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What's the ideal length of a blog post?


Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
Hi everyone, just want to pick your brains a bit to find out how long your most successful blog posts are.

There are 1000s of results for this search on google but after reading for hours it seems there are lots of variables involved in knowing what the ideal length of a blog post should be.

Please can you share your experience by saying what your most sufccessful blogs post topics have been and how many words they contain?

Unfortunately we still don't have a blog for PueLander, but we're planning to have it asap ..
I'm leaving a comment to keep notified, I want to know other members answers

- Samira
I focus mainly on natural language based on people's YouTube Video Transcripts. When I edit the transcript for corrections to any mistakes the AI may have made and make the transcript say exactly what the person said in the video, I do a keyword analysis and then find the best keywords and/or keyword phrases to SEO and then as grammatically properly as possible I blend them in a number of times. My writing skills from college and paralegal training help me with blending in keywords and phrases and help me to still make the blog sound the right way. It's tricky sometimes because there are ways of saying things that can work for SEO, but fidelity to the actual message being spoken in a YouTube video is a must. The wordcount isn't as much of my focus. Some are 300 words, some are 750, some are 1000 or more.