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When To Say, "Fk It", and Kill A Dud Campaign?

I use 576 as a decent test sample but it's not a count of the raw clicks 50% may be trash. There is no set rule.

So 1000? But you don't even specify the media used and the method.
For instance, I did a test of in page push and a large percentage of the clicks were error (fat finger) type clicks so you might need 10,000 clicks or more.
clicks buyed on CPC model mostly are useless as they are not targeted
When traffic networks are hiding the real web domains behind anonymized site IDs 1234584.9846 you cannot really target traffic.
So bid low until you find the better source sites --then white list those sites only. After some days your returned traffic will decline. Repeat the process again.

Down side of this is, if you value your time; this is a large drain on your resources. Traffic networks count pennies I count dollars ...
Sort the site ID frequency by the event you target --like a click out from your landing page to the affiliate program's landing page -->the money shot ;)
I sort the traffic quality using my own (proprietary) metrics that are my KPI's.
  • old browser versions =junk or bots.
  • HeadlessChrome =bot
  • 403/4xx IPs from my server IP blacklist =bot
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What so funny?
People buy ads and some make serious money.

Google makes money off your work --selling search ads to compete with you.
Now that's funny --working for crumbs to make Google stock go up ...
Keep trying until the money is gone /s
Set realistic targets for your funnel events and when the ads are not performing --hit the kill switch.
Repeating a failed result time and time again is just insane.