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Where/How to Use Squidoo

King Conga

Active Member
First of all, this isn't a post looking for a tutorial on Squidoo, but more on seeking advice on where/how to use it in a larger marketing strategy. You see, I've found a really good teacher, John Lagoudakis. Look him up on YouTube if you've been frustrated on how to sort all the how/when/where to's in affiliate mrktg.

He already has a great video on how to go through Squidoo, but what I'm trying to figure out right now is how to back away from the forest and look at 4-5 REALLY good tools (FREE TOOLS) from all over the web used primarily with article marketing, and figure out when, where, and how in the whole process to use them optimally. I realize this may sound quite vague, but for those that have tried, and tried, and failed, and failed at affiliate mrktg, but yet KNOW it's possible to make GOOD $$$ at it, you know as well as I do that it would be a wise strategy to focus on 1 or 2 different income streams, or strategies, but at the same time know how to implement within those strategies great tools like squidoo. So, if there was some kind of logic flow chart of when/where/how to use tools like that it'd be great.

So, I know the next question, and good question it is...What kind of affiliate mrktng am I interested in? Well, basically things like using to develop technical articles with great "buying keywords" (a simple, but POWERFUL concept I learned today) to advise on purchasing pro-audio equipment. And I'm wondering if I should use Squidoo to present simply informative, but passionate articles (albeit technical), then use the ezinearticles to offer the closer/buyer keywords to finally drive them to Amazon, or any other affiliate site. OR... should I do it the other way around, using Squidoo to move in for the close?

Well enuf for now. I'll contemplate my strategies further.


---------- Post added at 07:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ----------

Oooh! Oooh! Don't know how I forgot this part of my strategy...I'm also heavily using/selling Clickbank products!! So, please factor that into your response.

You will have more luck getting traffic at Squidoo than EZA. EZA has lost a lot of ranking lately whereas Squidoo has made a comeback. Squidoo also allows plenty of affiliate links, photos, is easy to work with etc.

So my recommendation to you would be to focus on your own site and build it up with articles etc. Use Squidoo for backlinks and also as an additional revenue stream. Use EZA for backlinks only.

The cycle would go directly from Squidoo to your website to Amazon
OR from Squidoo directly to Amazon
OR from EZA to Squidoo to Amazon etc.

You are not going to go to EZA and then to Amazon.

It is super easy to rank with Squidoo and drive traffic directly to Amazon. Use low competition keywords that are easy to rank for.
Anudah mouthful...albeit, a GOOD one. A couple of issues here if you could suggest any solutions.
#1. By "MY Website" are you referring to my WordPress site, or the 1 that redirects?
#2. I would LOVE to use Amazon, however, I live in NC, 1 of the greedy tax states that in 2009 or 10 they voted to tax affiliate marketers, so Amazon shut down all the accounts from those states that did so. SO, I got an account with Barnes & Noble, but I'm kinda ditzy as to exactly how to use that whole Resource Code thingy stuff, so a little coaching there would be miraculous. Also, any suggestions on what specific Squidoo modules to use for that. Just an ordinary Text Module?
#3. Should I use an article re-writer (Content Professor) to create new articles between my website, and Squidoo, etc.

BTW, Sorry if I'm taking up your entire Saturday. I PROMISE I will send endless backlinks to your site.

Anudah mouthful...albeit, a GOOD one. A couple of issues here if you could suggest any solutions.
#1. By "MY Website" are you referring to my WordPress site, or the 1 that redirects?
#2. I would LOVE to use Amazon, however, I live in NC, 1 of the greedy tax states that in 2009 or 10 they voted to tax affiliate marketers, so Amazon shut down all the accounts from those states that did so. SO, I got an account with Barnes & Noble, but I'm kinda ditzy as to exactly how to use that whole Resource Code thingy stuff, so a little coaching there would be miraculous. Also, any suggestions on what specific Squidoo modules to use for that. Just an ordinary Text Module?
#3. Should I use an article re-writer (Content Professor) to create new articles between my website, and Squidoo, etc.

BTW, Sorry if I'm taking up your entire Saturday. I PROMISE I will send endless backlinks to your site.


Did you know that with Squidoo, you can use THEIR Amazon account. Now the issue with that is, you split the commissions with them. Since they have tons of sales with so many lensmasters, commissions are around 8 -8.5 % you will get 4%.

That is not a ton BUT even though I personally am around 7 -7.5% at Amazon, but if I make a lens I often use Squidoos lenses because it is so much faster. I can put a nice lens together in minutes.

Its a great way to test ideas and make lenses for things you dont want a website for.

As an aside, sites like Skimlinks allow you to use their Amazon links and they share revenue with that is an option for a website, if you can't be a direct affiliate.

As for website, YES I would advise you to have your own site and build it, but I think you need more time before doing that because, there is no sense building a site around the wrong niche or keywords.

As for what Squidoo have to play with them. To add code you would need to use one of the boxes that allows you to add text and add hyperlinks.

Hope that helps.
Thanks FitGal,

That IS encouraging. I'd just as soon make a fast nickle as a slow dime. And I hate to be thick-headed, but can you clarify the website issue a little more? I'm wondering if I should use my WordPress domain that I bought just for articles, albeit music reviews; which I've yet to have written 1 yet. So, if I haven't gone in any particular direction would it not be OK to start there? I'm a bit strapped for cash right now. I got that because it just seemed SOO much easier than trying to figure out their plugin to use on my other domain that I use to redirect to my affiliate marketing. Sorry for all the confusion, I'm about to confuse myself.
