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Mrunal Ghatole

New Member
Hello All,

I am trying converting pops from long time but not profitable yet. I am planning to run banner traffic now and I have two questions regarding banner traffic

1: Can anyone pls suggest DSP/traffic sources (with decent targeting levers (URLs, Category). I am looking for DSP which are allowing affiliate campaigns.

2: Where to sign direct buy from publishers. For example if I want to buy private/direct deal from for 10000 impressions so where I can find traffic source/DSP who allows to run private deals

Thanks in advance,
A private deal would mean that you don't use a DSP. You write the webmaster of that website and make a deal directly with them. This can be risky because your offer could go down but you still have traffic coming in that you'd need to monetize. This is more for advanced affiliates. You most likely would have to buy traffic for X days instead of for X impressions.
You most likely would have to buy traffic for X days instead of for X impressions.

Yeah, if you use places like BuySellAds, you can purchase space by the month, with them estimating how many impressions that placement could get.

To add to what @awesomesauce said, when it comes to private sites that allow affiliate campaigns, you probably would have trouble finding places that would let you directly link/provide an affiliate link, you'd have to set up some kind of funnel - send people to a landing page, maybe to sign up to your list or select from a choice of buttons, etc. That's never a bad idea when you run a campaign anywhere, anyway.

I'm not saying this wouldn't work or that you shouldn't keep looking, just suggesting that you might have an easier time with your own domain and a campaign that doesn't smell affiliate-y. [<-- Yes, I just made that word up :D]
Thanks @awesomesauce and @azgold for your responses

@awesomesauce Yes I understand private deal with publisher is not a good idea for me, but I was asking regarding deal in a DSP, I am not sure if I am correct or understand fully, but I heard advertiser can target private deals which are already available or configured in DSP.

@azgold : Sorry for the confusion here, I am always using a pre-lander for my affiliate offers. I am not directly linking the offer link on traffic source. But as much I know DSP do not allow to run campaign in this way as well, pls correct me if I am wrong. But currently I am using Pop traffic sources like Zeropark and Propeller ads but I am not able to find the URLs of the placement traffic coming from. So I am not sure on which inventory I am bidding on. So I am looking for traffic sources where I can target or serve impressions on URLs. Could you please tell me traffic sources or DSP where I can serve ads by knowing URLs of the website and which are allowing flow like (Traffic source >> My pre-lander>> offer page/affiliate links)

Thanks again for sharing info
I am using Pop traffic sources like Zeropark and Propeller ads but I am not able to find the URLs of the placement traffic coming from. So I am not sure on which inventory I am bidding on.

I've never used Propeller Ads but I have used ZP. There, you can see the target and sources and the stats for each. The only way I've seen to know URLs in ZP is when setting up a keyword campaign and putting it in the list, myself. I haven't had time to run any campaigns for quite sometime, so things may have changed since I was there last.

Maybe @zeropark will pop in and can clarify this.

Could you please tell me traffic sources or DSP where I can serve ads by knowing URLs of the website and which are allowing flow like (Traffic source >> My pre-lander>> offer page/affiliate links)

Off the top of my head, I don't know. 7Search used to offer URLs but they went out of business. I'm sure there are likely others, I just don't happen to know who they are. The place to start would be Traffic Sources in Resources.

Something else you can do, is start a thread in the Business Centre with a Looking For prefix. I'd make your thread title something like, "Looking for Traffic Source", "Need to Buy Traffic for My Banners", something like that so that traffic vendors realize that they may have a new customer if they read your thread. ;)
Hey @azgold

You are correct for RON campaigns it is best to optimize by our internal sub id's {target} & {source} as most sources, especially direct sites, do not want to reveal the URL's where their supply comes from. We do have a {target_url} token which will return the URL where it's available, this is designed for Keyword campaigns when you are targeting a specific URL. It is obviously more expensive as you are targeting a high quality URL that is in demand. If you would like to know the prices of any keywords you can use our volume page here.

  1. Direct Buy Ads are hard to locate (good media placement) unless you are using an ad agency with a large ad spend $20K/mo+
  2. Buying ad media on smaller websites can be profitable but is very time consuming and full of scammers.
You are better off using a traffic network or a DSP and sorting as best you can most likely.