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Where to promote my businesses affiliate program?

Content Flip

New Member
I have worked as an affiliate and also run many large programs with thousands of partners through Impact.

However, I'm starting a side gig business and have Goaffpro connected to my Wix site. Seems to all track well for affiliate.

My question is: Where are the best places to post about and recruit people to my affiliate program? I feel like it's an easy sell and good payout.
Thanks. I am a member of the forum now. Where exactly can I post about my affiliate program? And outside of AffiliateFix, where do you recommend recruiting people or posting about my program?
Affiliate recruiting is a skill. It's a skill one must develop. Like anything else, skill is something studied and practiced. Ken Spano was one of the most effective affiliate recruiters on the planet. He primarily developed the skills in a few different fields of this industry. Recruiting affiliates for the product owners in the MMO niche was his primary focus in afilliate recruitment. It is far different than recruiting affiliates for the affiliate networks. Ken has an awesome private publication for recruiting. I have it, but its availability is strictly controlled by him.

As for where to find affiliates, well, everywhere they gather. EVERYWHERE! You damned well need to have a funnel for them as well. Recruiting affiliates is a step in the process, but first comes locating them and then prospecting them. Then you can recruit and close.

If you are planning to recruit for your own product, it is important you have a very well identified market and demographic as this will be a requirement of most affiliates. If you do not have an established following for your product, then you need to first establish that.
The website is Content Flip. We offer blog writing services for really affordable rates. We've bbeen around for 5 years and are all US based. I used to run campaign on my own, but it became too time consuming. I've run large affiliate programs through Impact, but never really done it for a small business. I connected Goaffpro to my Wix site and am looking to get some affiliates onboard through something simple like that.
Monthly subscription is $199 and includes a free 7-day trial. I had planned on paying $25 or $50 for trials driven by affiliates because it requires a credit card. I plan to closely monitor fake trials and cancellations.

Let me know your thoughts and if those commission rates are acceptable.
I used to run campaign on my own, but it became too time consuming.

and tedious.

but never really done it for a small business.

This is why companies use affiliate managers that have a load of affiliates.

I cannot stress this enough:
If you do not have an established following for your product, then you need to first establish that.

Affiliates do not jump at the opportunity to promote something that is not a proven marketable product or service. The only way to get any affiliates involved, IMO, is to give them 100% commissions until you get like 1,000 installs out there with positive reviews (extremely important). This is common practice. I get these kinds of offers weekly and from proven companies with previous products. It's how it is done. Then you have the established and proven market to recruit additional affiliates with.
; $199*12
; $35*20

What is your assumed/projected attrition rate/churn?
If 1 in 20 trials commit?

A hybrid compensation might be better ...

I would spend a few thousand and buy my own ads and have a tangible POC (proof of concept) and understand the percentage of the market that would even be willing to pay --the middle market is a tough row to hoe. If you have not done that yet.
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I have had the business for 5 years as a side gig. It's has brought in a significant amount of money, but due to some unforseen life circumstances, I shut it down about 6 months ago and even had to unindex the site. Because the trial requires a credit card, I see about 70%+ that convert from free to paid. Churn is pretty strong and customers typically only are lasting 6 months on average.

- When you say hybrid compensation, are you referring to payment for the trial start and also for the paid conversion? If so, that's not possible with my current Goaffpro setup in Wix.
- What is typically more attractive to advertise for a product like this, a flat $50-100 commission, or saying 25-50% commission?
- When you say hybrid compensation, are you referring to payment for the trial start and also for the paid conversion? If so, that's not possible with my current Goaffpro setup in Wix.
Well, then you can't. something like a trial=$x + $x after 3 months or a lifetime of customer residual rev-share.
Without using AI I can't see how you can human write or edit much `quality` content for $200 per month.
edit:I see about 70%+ that convert from free to paid. Churn is pretty strong and customers typically only are lasting 6 months on average.
"70%+ that convert from free to paid." that sounds unrealistic to me.
"typically only are lasting 6 months on average." that is within the realm of possibility.
4.6 month churn 'real world' maybe.
- What is typically more attractive to advertise for a product like this, a flat $50-100 commission, or saying 25-50% commission?

$200 for the first paid month 100%. You seem to be asking other people to put their money up advertising your 'unknown service'.
How many customers have YOU signed up so far by buying your own ads or other ways like SEO? None? 1 in 10 ,15, 25 trials?

Like T J said: If you are not an established business, or maybe a new disruptive innovation that has some track record; --would you work for yourself?

Claude 3.5 Sonnet is kinder than I am. I cut right to the chase :D
AI is easy --editing it into quality content is not.
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I've brought in over 500 customers over the past 5 years with very little effort. Most were just from top 10 lists, tiny bit of SEO, and some paid search.

If I test 100% commissions for the first month, would you recommend advertising 100% commission on Goaffpro, or stating $199 commissions? I've always wondered what is clearer or more attractive to potential affiliates, $ or %.
Thanks for the detailed breakdown. Something else to share is that Wix does not currently offer the ability to offer rev share on each renewal, so I plan on just paying out on the initial trial. As an affiliate I know the renewal is compelling, but I don't see that 100% necesary to pay on. I have run two affiliate programs driving $1M+ month in revenue for subscription businesses, and they only paid out on trial and initial purchase, not renewals.
Back in the day, say somewhere around 2010 give or take a year, another writer and I had a blogging/site subscription service. If it was more work than we could handle between the two of us, we would enlist other writers we knew to help meet tight deadlines. I may be wrong but I can't see how $200/month will realize a lot of profit unless it's something that can be knocked off in 15 minutes or something, especially if that amount reduces with payouts to writers and affiliates.

customers typically only are lasting 6 months on average.
Is that because they are not getting ROI over and above the amount they're paying? I'm not saying that's your fault, they may not have a solid idea or business.

Affiliates/marketers made up the bulk of our clients but there were others that used our services, i.e. site owners for website page rewrites, seo, etc. We got most of our business from engaging in marketing forums, didn't buy any advertising. That might be a cost effective way to test for affiliate recruitment.

We had posted content and portfolio, so clients knew our style and voice and could see our level of English-first language and quality of writing.

Just may want to change your pricing on Clutch. Your website says $199 but Clutch says $179. ;)

Four 1,000 word articles per $50 each enough to pay North American writers and affiliate commissions? You're a seasoned pro in the affiliate game, so I imagine you've taken all scenarios into account. I didn't see any mention of a deposit on your site, do you get one? Have you had any issues with people asking for a gazillion rewrites, which they use to get free content?

Congratulations on your awards, by the way! You obviously give your clients a great product!
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500 customers over the past 5 years

No nearly enough to create any enthusiasm among affiliates. If that were a days volume, or at least a weeks volume, then you may attract some affiliates. Your number is 100 a year. One affiliate could do that in a day (maybe less) if it were a proven product.
Interesting, so you're essentially saying affiliates won't work for anyone but multi million dollar businesses?

Also, I haven't raised my prices since 2018, so I'm considering raising those significantly to allow for more affiliate ($100+ commissions) or ad spend.