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Where to redirect unwanted traffic?

Hi guys,

As some traffic sources does not give you the option to select carriers, device, etc. what do you do with the traffic that doesn't perform or isn't accepted by the affiliate network?
I saw that some adult guys just redirect the traffic via direct link to Juicy or Plugrush.

Do you know more networks like them? Also are there networks with direct link selling option in the non adult niche?

do YOURSELF a favor and test the traffic in multiple locations .. A/B with a few different networks.. I guarantee we have plenty of suitable offers to monetize any of that traffic... dont get sucked in by high payout rates.. the bottom line is the EPC..
For Example:
(network A) could give you $4 per lead on offer #3
where as
(network B) could set that rate at $2.50 per lead on the same offer #3

A/B test them both against each other because you never know who's shaving what?

Always add challengers into the equation ..

Ping me so we can chat about testing out some of out top converting exclusive CPL SOI offers

Jeremy Wagshul
skype - jeremy.wagshul
maximize the potential of that traffic.. there are different options to go about this.. test out GlobalSmartLinks.. find where your getting traction and target those offers directly.. or vice versa.. target direct offers until you find the solution that suits your traffic best...
Either way, do not disregard that traffic.. you'd be surprised how much you can really generate from the tier2 & tier 3 traffic with limited to no investment... might end up being the thing that makes a flat rate global buy profitable
Were finding really good results with our CustomGlobalSmartLinks ... would love to give your traffic a test

Come sign up for an account

Jeremy Wagshul