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where to start


New Member
My son and I are eager to get started, We have been doing lots of research on the Web. He found all the Info, about Google Wealth Wizard and I read about Affilorama and the list goes on. Some articals so dont pay for something you can get on the net. Some articals say that this one pays for this and that and some say this program is better than that one, and a begginer needs to start with this one because he starts with the basics.I am realy getting confused, HELP
It's really confusing out there when you 1st start. Especially these days when there are so many "quote" gurus writing get rich quick in your underwear ebooks and saying theres is the only guide you need to learn it right.

For the most part many of these ebooks are just capitalizing on you and other newbies who are so desperate to learn that they think you'll buy from the longest smartest sales copy.

Keep your credit card in your wallet for now. Learn what you can for free here and at other affiliate forums that are WELL moderated and don't let people post all their affiliate links trying to sell you stuff.

Here read all the stickies in the newbie forum and then read some threads where others ask the best way to get started. After you beign to get a basic understanding then start asking specific questions and we'll try to help for free.

There are a few coursees that may be worth buying, but 1st you need to just grasp the basics so you don't head down the wrong path. There is no ONE path to success online and there also arent very many shortcuts.

Invest time in learning the basics and build a good foundation then pick and niche and get going. You'll learn lots about picking niches in the stickies too.

Dig in and then ask us for more info.
affiliats buzz

Hi linda I took your advice and that day you told me to read all the slicks?. I read all I could find and thought I had it figured out. But I am tyring to help my Son get something going to help him get out of dept. He and I need money quick so I went with one of these Co that say they will give you a Free web site am offer you 24/7 support and all this stuff. Well when I got in thare,everything cost more and more and the support are people that I can not undrestand. I think I have made a mistake ??????? :mad: