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Which Antivirus Is Good For Security?

Jim Moriarty95

New Member
Last week my PC was hacked by a Russian hacker. I haven't used any antivirus software due to they slow down my PC. But this is obvious now. Would you like to recommend some light antivirus software?
Last week my PC was hacked by a Russian hacker. I haven't used any antivirus software due to they slow down my PC. But this is obvious now. Would you like to recommend some light antivirus software?
Very sorry hear about your hacking issue. I am using eset node 32 for a long time and haven't find any problem yet. This also never slow down my pc.
Get Deep Freeze and you'll never have to deal with virus problems. It's not an anti-virus per se. It disables all changes made to your operating system each time you restart the computer. I've been using the software for 5 years now and it has been great. That's why I recommend it.

And good thing is it doesn't slow down your computer at all.

Or you could try a free alternative called Restore Reboot.
Hello to everyone

I am newest member here on this forum. I would love to share all information with all of you, hope i will enjoy stuff from here. Thanks admin..:)
Top 2 antivirus with reaaly good rating.
1. Symantec Norton Security with Backup
Offering excellent value with 10 licences to cover all your devices, Norton Security with Backup also offers a strong feature set and very good protection from viruses and other malware.
2. Bitdefender Internet Security 2015

This is one of the very best AV suites available, in terms of outright protection against malware. It's also very good at not throwing up false warnings, but there are other products offering more auxiliary modules for the money.
Hi! I recommend the following anti-virus programs:

1. Bitdefender Anti-Virus Plus. Very low resource usage, won't slow down your laptop! It's easy to use as well and provides an average virus protection.

2. Panda Free Anti-Virus. Low resource usage as well but has low potential for virus or malware removal.

Good luck!
Bit Dеfеndеr. Bесаusе it's thе simрlеst tо gеt my сustоmеrs tо usе оf аll thе tор rаtеd оnеs fоr thе раst I dоn't rеmеmbеr hоw mаny yеаrs (5-7?)

Еsеt's оnlinе sсаnnеr if it's infесtеd with tоns оf mаlwаrе bесаusе sоmеоnе tоld thеm MSЕ wаs suffiсiеnt аnd wоrks, thеn instаll Bit Dеfеndеr. MSЕ is оnly suffiсiеnt if yоu knоw hоw tо аvоid mаlwаrе оn yоur оwn, in whiсh саsе yоu рrоbаbly dоn't nееd аny. I hаvеn't hаd аn infесtiоn оn my реrsоnаl bоx in yеаrs, аnd thе wоrk bоx оnly gеts infесtеd сlеаning сustоmеr drivеs. I still kеер Bit Dеfеndеr оn bоth, bесаusе it's а 3 соmрutеr liсеnsе аnd bеttеr sаfе thаn sоrry.

Hаving sаid аll thаt, I аm gеtting а bit wоrriеd аs Bit Dеfеndеr is stаrting tо blоаt uр with stuff I dоn't nееd оr wаnt likе Nоrtоn did, аnd thаt's а bаd sign. Sо fаr it's оk bесаusе yоu саn turn it аll оff аnd just run thе АV раrt, but it's still соnсеrning.
I am using Kaspersky, which seems to be doing good job I have also used Panda. You can go for like Kaspersky.
I have Avira on my PC , read on one of the computer magazine websites I use that it was on of the better free anti virus options
Purchase Malwarebytes, it will protect your computer, my personal recommendation, trust me I know what I am talking about, my PC got ratted many times.

MalwareBytes (paid) is really good, but so is Emsisoft Anti-Malware and Avira (which is also free).
Using free antivirus (like Avira) is almost equally good as it's paid competition.
Macafe, etc.. are the best anti-virus softweres, without slowing your PC.
I've used a combination of Zonealarm Extreme Security and Malwarebytes for many years. They make a great combo!

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