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Which dedicated server plan is better?


Hi everyone,

My team is using a VPS for hosting websites and planning to upgrade to a small dedicated server.

We're recommended by a hosting consultant and he sent us 3 dedicated server plans




but we don't know which one is better, our budget is $85 / month, our sites are Wordpress blogs with 1000 to 1500 visitors/ day

Can any one tell me from the list above, which dedicated server plan is better?

Please advise!
Instead of buying a dedicated server, why not cluster a bunch of cheap $5 barebones VPSs as a PHP-FPM farm and set up one running HAProxy. Since it's Wordpress, the problem you're running into is being CPU bound.
Nothing against VPS, but why not right on a CDN with the fastest possible performance,
e.g. maxcdn[dot]com?

CDNs don't process PHP. The OP is running Wordpress across multiple sites. Even if the static files were moved elsewhere, it isn't going to alleviate the CPU bottleneck from processing PHP unless the OP sets up caching at the web server level (Nginx FastCGI Cache/Apache Mod_Cache) or via a plugin (Cachify + disk, memcache or Redis).
Hi everyone,

My team is using a VPS for hosting websites and planning to upgrade to a small dedicated server.

We're recommended by a hosting consultant and he sent us 3 dedicated server plans




but we don't know which one is better, our budget is $85 / month, our sites are Wordpress blogs with 1000 to 1500 visitors/ day

Can any one tell me from the list above, which dedicated server plan is better?

Please advise!

Can you tell us why you're considering upgrading? What is the problem you're trying to solve?

Of the options you posted, the first link has the best offering, but it is above your budget. With your budget of $85/mo, I like the "Intel Xeon E3 1245v2" in your second link. The third link offers servers that use desktop-grade hardware. The E3 CPU is a server-grade CPU and the 3.4 Ghz gives you good thread processing power along with the 16GB RAM.

If there's a specific problem you're trying to solve, your hosting consultant should be more specific than he was. ;)

Best of luck in your search!

Kind regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies
Taking the advantage of the opportunity I can recommend and their dedicated hosting deals.
Dedicated Server - Intel I7 (4790) - 4 Cores CPU
RAM: 16GB, Storage (H/W RAID-1): 1 TB, Traffic/Month: 25 TB
Price - $95/mo (1st month discounted price - $47.5/mo)
Your site will get loaded lightning fast and applications run far better as compared to any other hosting environment.
May I suggest Hostwinds server solutions. These guys have greatly optimized server solutions and skilled techies.
Hi everyone,

My team is using a VPS for hosting websites and planning to upgrade to a small dedicated server.

We're recommended by a hosting consultant and he sent us 3 dedicated server plans




but we don't know which one is better, our budget is $85 / month, our sites are Wordpress blogs with 1000 to 1500 visitors/ day

Can any one tell me from the list above, which dedicated server plan is better?

Please advise!


I wouldn't suggest upgrading to a more expensive dedicated server just yet, the amount of traffic you get really isn't going to crash even a basic VPS.

Take for example my website, a few months ago i was running on a low end VPS, since then my traffic is a lot more and upgraded, but the point being, my site managed to take 800 people on the site at once with no issues, and it was only a very small vps with 2gb ram (the ram is most important on web apps).

So with 1,500 visits per day you don't need to be spending a lot on hosting. My suggestion to make sure performance keeps up is to use a CDN like Cloudflare and a caching system (wordpress has loads of cache plugins)

You should only really consider upgrading to a dedicated server once you are hitting a good 50,000 visits a day.

This info comes from years of experience as a developer of large software that is resource intensive, as well as running my own high-traffic blog.

If you need EU server then consider online[.]net, you will be surprised about server specification and price.

But I dont think upgrading server will solve your problem, you have to figure out why you want to, if you facing high resource usage then split up all sites within few VPS server and setup those servers with nginx, php-fpm, cdn, server side caching.
They offer a wide range of dedicated servers to choose from.
Make sure you'll have something like personal representative or sales representative in the hosting provider so you can easy deal with various issues related to service usage.
There will be different suggestions, but one is best judge to of what one requires, similarly while select the servers one would have to consider different factors. Dedicated servers with Xeon v5 processors i.e. Intel Xeon E3-1220v5 3.0GHz is an excellent choice.
There will be different suggestions, but one is best judge to of what one requires, similarly while select the servers one would have to consider different factors. Dedicated servers with Xeon v5 processors i.e. Intel Xeon E3-1220v5 3.0GHz is an excellent choice.
Thanks I will keep this advice and will consider to apply to package that I want to choose.