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Which Is Best: Samsung Galaxy S6 vs iPhone 6?

My sister has Samsung S6 and my husband has iPhone 6. So let's see...

iPhone 6 pros:

1. Very easy user interface.
2. Same sleek design.
3. A wide variety of apps.
4. Loud speaker volume.

iPhone 6 cons:

1. Heats up easily when using multiple apps or even when charging.
2. Powers off suddenly.
3. Battery is not as long lasting.
4. Heavy and thicker.

Samsung S6 pros:

1. Clear camera, high quality pictures.
2. Sleek user interface and phone design.
3. Light and thin.
4. Lots of new apps to choose from.

Samsung S6 cons:

1. Suddenly died. Good thing we were able to restore it with internet research.
2. Needs to be constantly charged.

That's it, my observations. I hope this helps!
From usage it's definitely personal preference. Not really sure what else you would like to know...

I just prefer iPhones since I used them more and code in iOS and know a bit more about them...but I've used Android before and have liked it also.
I have never used any version of iPhone, however, I am using Samsung since smartphone was introduced in the country. Samsung is the best Andriod phone, but I want to try iPhone. Given a choice between Samsung 6 and iPhone 6,I will choose iPhone even though it is vulnerable to breaking.
Android has became more secure recently with Samsung using KNOX as a form of encryption on devices. Apple have been very good at keeping iOS secure however. It would come down to what programs you used and whether apps were available and were high quality and easy to use. Personally I prefer Android due to the openness of the OS.
Thе Gаlаxy S6 еdgе+ givеs yоu а bеttеr rаtiо оf рhоnе sizе tо sсrееn sizе. Thоugh thе iРhоnе 6s Рlus hаs thе smаllеr disрlаy, it's аbоut 3 реrсеnt tаllеr аnd аlsо 3 реrсеnt widеr thаn thе еdgе+.

Thе iРhоnе 6s Рlus is still а rеlаtivеly thin smаrtрhоnе, but it is сhunkiеr thаnlаst yеаr's mоdеl. It аlsо соmеs оut аt 6 реrсеnt thiсkеr thаn thе Gаlаxy S6 еdgе
As others have already said, choosing between the two phones will mainly be down to personal preference, as both devices are at the top of the market right now.

Personally I had an iPhone a couple of years ago and I found them limited to what you can do on them without jailbreaking them, so I switched to the Android OS and I don't regret it. That's why if I was choosing between the iPhone 6 or the Samsung, the Samsung S6 EDGE would definitely get my vote.
This is mostly a case of personal preference more than anything though the Galaxy has a larger screen for videos and images.
If you want great user experience and comfort then go for iPhone 6, i cannot deny the fact that S6 is not comfortable or cannot give user experience, when you compare in that aspect then iPhone 6 has got the good scores.
The Apple iPhone 6 is better IMHO. That's because the software and hardware are made by the same company and the software is written for the exact hardware (optimized for it).