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Which is More Effective Forum or Blog Posting?

I'd guess blog posting, depending on whether you're officially allowed to promote on a forum or you're trying to spam it.

But why not both blog and forum? Done correctly and ethically, of course.
forum is more effective provided you are well-known member, people trust you and what you recommend most will atleast take a loot at it.

blog posting from seo point as they get indexed quickly whereas forum posts have slow indexing and spammed profiles don't index at all.
forum is more effective provided you are well-known member, people trust you and what you recommend most will atleast take a loot at it.

Well, every marketing forum I know requires any and all vendors to first be registered. This is policy due to the large amount of trash out there and marketing forums have enough to deal with without the spammy trash that comes to us.

Forum marketing for registered businesses that pass the "smell" test do very well marketing to members when they engage the members and help them earn.

blog posting from seo point as they get indexed quickly whereas forum posts have slow indexing and spammed profiles don't index at all.

Actually forum posts generally get indexed and found in the SE's much quicker. It's because when they are deemed "safe" content providers by the SE's, they become a trusted content source. I generally see threads and posts here being indexed within hours typically.

Blogs, well, there are so many and if they are not established, or provide forbidden content, or don't add valuable pertinent content regularly and frequently, or are obvious affiliate sites, then they get no attention to speak of by the SE's. Blogs are the most abused neglected content platforms on the planet. It's well known and widely accepted that more than 80% of blogs fail and are abandoned in less than six months. This is not true with forums, likely to the simple fact that forums require planning, commitment, and significant investment and therefore are more indulged by professional business people and/or entities.

SEO always has been, and always will be, a tertiary traffic source and there is no business on the planet that can point to SEO for it's businesses success. They can only point to SEO as having a supporting impact on successes. I had a few very fast cars in my life, and one thing that every fast car owner can tell you is that there are a few very minor tweaks and addons that can add two or three percent to performance, but those tweaks and addons are useless if you don't have a major high performance car and engine to add them to. That's what SEO is, it is a tweak or addon to your performance car. It is TERTIARY! SEO adds to success, it does not create a path for it when it comes to business!
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Well, every marketing forum I know requires any and all vendors to first be registered. This is policy due to the large amount of trash our there and marketing forums have enough to deal with without the spammy trash that comes to us.

Forum marketing for registered businesses that pass the "smell" test do very well marketing to members when they engage the members and help them earn.

Actually forum posts generally get indexed and found in the SE's much quicker. It's because when they are deemed "safe" content providers by the SE's, they become a trusted content source. I generally see threads and posts here being indexed within hours typically.

Blogs, well, there are so many and if they are not established, or provide forbidden content, or don't add valuable pertinent content regularly and frequently, or are obvious affiliate sites, then they get no attention to speak of by the SE's. Blogs are the most abused neglected content platforms on the planet. It's well known and widely accepted that more than 80% of blogs fail and are abandoned in less than six months. This is not true with forums, likely to the simple fact that forums require planning, commitment, and significant investment and therefore are more indulged by professional business people and/or entities.

SEO always has been, and always will be, a tertiary traffic source and there is no business on the planet that can point to SEO for it's businesses success. They can only point to SEO as having a supporting impact on successes. I had a few very fast cars in my life, and one thing that every fast car owner can tell you is that there are a few very minor tweaks and addons that can add two or three percent to performance, but those tweaks and addons are useless if you don't have a major high performance car and engine to add them to. That's what SEO is, it is a tweak or addon to your performance car. It is TERTIARY! SEO adds to success, it does not create a path for it when it comes to business!
agree 100%
Both of them are good if you don't spam

If you want to post on forums, you should post quality threads or replies and if you want to comment on blogs you should post related comments which are not spam to be approved. No one (even a search engine) likes spamming and if you avoid them. both of them can help your ranking on search engines.
Actually forum posts generally get indexed and found in the SE's much quicker. It's because when they are deemed "safe" content providers by the SE's, they become a trusted content source. I generally see threads and posts here being indexed within hours typically.
This is true: I search @google 'query topic' <<< a lot
Both forums and blog posting have their own advantages, but blogs are generally more effective for building long-term visibility and authority, while forums are better for immediate engagement and community interaction.
Good question, I was also thinking about this question before, and with this question in mind, I registered a forum account. I think forums are more effective than blogs in that forums allow you to express your opinions freely and you can search for resources widely (provided that you do not violate the rules of the forum), while blogs may be limited by the content tendencies of the website, trending hot news, etc. But it is undeniable that they are both indispensable experiences for affiliate marketing people.
I believe it depends upon the offer you're promoting, for some the forums would work best, while for the the blog post!

Mostly forums are meant to be for networks, agencies, and pubs to check and promote offers. While blog post helps you to generate your own traffic which can be converted to any offer!
Blog posting is better for building long-term authority and driving organic traffic. Forum posting is great for engaging with niche communities, building relationships, and driving targeted traffic quickly.