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Which method is best to promote dating site

Hi Display ads in general work really well on dating, also push! depending upon which vertical you are working with!
adult or Mainstream dating .
Promoting on social media, definitely!

As an affiliate network, we actually have prepared a special YouTube video about promoting dating affiliate links on social media platforms. You can check it out by clicking here.

What's important about promoting adult-related content on social media is:

- Not spamming,
- Creating or being multiple accounts,
- Not using pictures/terms/things that would violate the law or moral standards,
- Masking links,
- Creating graphics neatly.

Here are some universal tips that will help you increase the CTR of both creative and landing pages for your dating offers.

- Normally creative works should look credible and nice in the eyes of the audience? Well, this is true for the adult offers promoted using Push. For the rest of the formats, you can add a little more "ero" vibe,

- Don't be too loose or too ambitious about it. People can easily recognize suspicious landing pages or images and if things get too far - they simply won't click on such ads anymore,

- Use matching landers and prelanders - thanks to this, the user will not feel redirected so much and will keep clicking,

- Always write in the language of the country where you advertise. You want the recipient to understand the offer,

- Loading speed is the most important thing. Less is more :),

- By creating the impression that you need to act now, you can persuade users to make decisions faster. Add something like “DON'T LET HER / HIM WAIT! FIND LOVE TODAY, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?",

- Icons that mimic unread messages are great incentives for action,

- Test your creatives and find the best ones,

- Change your creative ideas from time to time to avoid the so-called banner blindness (after several times the user subconsciously does not even look at the advertisement anymore),

- Pictures of real people work better than cartoons,

- Test your creativity in terms of better conversion, e.g. man vs woman in a photo,

- Adapt the subject of your ads to the current situation, eg Christmas, Valentine's Day,

- Use marketer tools to see what works for your competition (but don't copy!),

- Remember the advertiser and traffic provider guidelines.

Good luck with your dating content!

Best regards, Natalia, MyLead
#1. Define your niche.
#2. Apply search engine optimization.
#3. Use ad networks to get as much target traffic as possible.
#4. Incorporate social media.
#5. Look for low-budget tools like link directories and forums.
#6. Think outside the box when promoting your website.
#7. Collect user feedback.
1. Work with Other Related Websites for Reciprocity
2. Create an Information Campaign
3. Develop a Pay per Click Model
4. Use Email Marketing
5. Utilize Social Media
6. Create a YouTube Channel
7. Make Use of SEO Tools
  • Educate with your content.
  • Personalize your marketing messages.
  • Let data drive your creative.
  • Invest in original research.
  • Update your content.
  • Try subscribing to HARO.
  • Expand your guest blogging opportunities.
  • Use more video.
You could also try promoting through social media, which should be effective for this niche. Social media automation services can help speed things up.
I actually always state that the best way to promote something, whether it's a dating site or another site, are social media. With a help of social media you can actually make a good start in marketing. Of course, you can also use target advertismenets which can generate a particular amount of traffic on your website. Youd' better run target at the similar sites. Nevertheless, always think about social media because there are lots of lonely people around there who don't mind to join your proposal. Well, to setup target will be quite difficult for you in case you're rookie, you can easily outsource this task.
Hello. We are an ad network, where you can get traffic for dating & adult dating. Write us in PM for more details :)