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OK, I'll stay here waiting for it the next 3 months...

Is it winter in Germany?

I was worried I'd be alone as the last here for the next 3 months

I can't do that to you, Marc! I'll take over, you go someplace warm.

Don't worry I'm right behind you

Oh yes, I see you way up there, at the front of the line. Seems so far away, back here in the very last post of the thread.
Actually... maybe not, so yeah, lets just say that ... I agree Ivana, indeed I do agree *said in a hoighty toity British accent*
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Do you ladies hold up your pinky while drinking tea from a China cup?

I'll wait here in the last post for your answer.
Do you ladies hold up your pinky while drinking tea from a China cup?

I'll wait here in the last post for your answer.
I like to hold out the middle, the ring and the pinky and hold the cup only with my index & my thumb (look at my profile pic for evidence) for that extra upper class bourgeois-ness...
Ohhhhh, @Ivana Adnium - you are super hoity-toity!

Hahah, editing this post, as @MarinaKimia posted the same time as me and I want to be LAST!

Marina, you are also more hoity than merely hoity-toity! Lace, pffft - I'm even going to try to compete with that.
I like to live on the wild side what can i say :cool:

Now, @Ivana Adnium - you know Canadians are supposed to be quiet, well-mannered and apologize to inanimate objects. "Wild" is a little outside the norm, you know.

hello the hero of this forum, wish everyone health and have a great day !!! ^^

Well thank-you but I think I'm going to replace 'hero' with 'heroine'- me!