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Who has adult traffic? How to find it? #hatebeingnewbie


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Who has adult traffic? How to find it? #hatebeingnewbie

Some tips&tricks? Or someone with (especially) adult traffic and motivation to increase the monthly income?
Check us out at Adnium.
We specialize in paid members area adult traffic. Converts awesome with dating, games, nutra & paysite offers!

Hit me up on skype to talk more:) james_gsm
Who has adult traffic? How to find it? #hatebeingnewbie

Some tips&tricks? Or someone with (especially) adult traffic and motivation to increase the monthly income?
Hey TK_MT,

Just to name a few biggest names in the industry:Exoclick,TrafficJunky.
Check our Affiliate Marketing Blog
Find the most useful affiliate marketing tips and advice from real experts.

Good luck :)
Last edited:
Who has adult traffic? How to find it? #hatebeingnewbie

Some tips&tricks? Or someone with (especially) adult traffic and motivation to increase the monthly income?

Trafficshop has lots of mobile and desktop traffic with different traffic quality types and formats. If you have the motivation to make money off your offers/sites let's see how we can help you with the traffic. Ping me ;)
What type of adult traffic are you looking for? You can find it with: Social, SEO, Chat, Email, Forums. Paid or Free. Are you looking to create your own traffic or pay for it? What kind of online marketing assets do you already possess?
If you would like some consulting on how to best start monetizing your adult traffic, please contact me for more information.
Best wishes.
If you want to buy website advertising direct from publishers --that is difficult to do for the reason most webmasters enter into media buying agreements with advertising networks. websites consolidate, or task outsource, their media placements to an agency (usually an ad network). The reason is media placement fulfillment -- less negotiating work with multiple parties.

Use Alexa pro (paid data) and download the links in a CSV list for target domains --then start trying to contact the webmasters to buy advertising placements --good luck ;)