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Why a .com is better that a .gov and .edu link



Why a .com is better that a .gov and .edu link
by Donace, The Nexus
January 22, 2011

I?ve mentioned this before in an earlier post on characteristics of a good link. My exact words were in fact:
In regard to .gov and .edu, I'm going to say in matters of TLD only no. They do not matter. A link for them is good yes, but only because those tlds are seen as ?authority? and garner loads of backlinks. So the authority passing from them is greater then a normal tld.
Domain Authority and Links
There are ?3 main? things we have to keep in mind Page Rank, Domain Authority, and Page Authority.

Page Rank matters only in passing really, what we are after when we build links is Authority. This is why low PR pages can rank higher than you and why pages from High Domain Authority Sites can rank higher quickly.

The only reason the .gov and .edu links never work out for these guys is because they fail to realize that while you may getting a link from these domains alot of the times there is no link juice flowing to those pages from the main site, and therefore the amount of value you receive will be small. Some .gov and .edu sites no longer even point links to the forum section of the site and so the crawl rate is slow. If you want to bypass this, and still get the link juice and authority that comes from these type of domains then my advice is that you link to those profiles pages from other sources, such as hubpages and squidoo and a few other locations you should already know about.

The trick here is to force the amount of page authority that you receive from these types of links, these are the highest levels of authority, if you want them work then you are going to have to do some work in order to get the most benefit.

Of course that is just opinion.
Don't forget: PageRank flows page to page, not site to site or domain to domain.

How much PageRank do you think is going to have to pass along to you? How much authority is that page going to have to pass to you, for that matter?

It's a lot different than getting a link from one of the main site pages.
It's not about the Page Rank, it's about the authority of the site in which the link is coming from. Even though their may not be a link from the main site pointing to that page it does not decrease the value. The value or benefit, or should I say link juice that you get from the site depends on the amount of links which point to that page from outside sources. While getting a link from the homepage of the site is great and would mostly likely strengthen the value, if you link to it from other powerful sources then this is just as powerful, and a link from the homepage is not needed.

Keep in mind that is a power site, if you can get a page indexed that has your link on it from this domain then you will get credit and strength from it. It's the same method you use when writing a squidoo or hubpage, many people link to their squidoo and hubpage. Why? Because the main site will not link to you on their own, you have to earn the authority and credit you get from them. And the only way to do that is by linking to your squiddo page, or having someone link to it for you.

The same rules apply to all authority sites, you just have to know how to give your page trust and credit.

Don't forget: PageRank flows page to page, not site to site or domain to domain.

How much PageRank do you think is going to have to pass along to you? How much authority is that page going to have to pass to you, for that matter?

It's a lot different than getting a link from one of the main site pages.
It's not about the Page Rank, it's about the authority of the site in which the link is coming from. Even though their may not be a link from the main site pointing to that page it does not decrease the value. The value or benefit, or should I say link juice that you get from the site depends on the amount of links which point to that page from outside sources. While getting a link from the homepage of the site is great and would mostly likely strengthen the value, if you link to it from other powerful sources then this is just as powerful, and a link from the homepage is not needed.

Keep in mind that is a power site, if you can get a page indexed that has your link on it from this domain then you will get credit and strength from it. It's the same method you use when writing a squidoo or hubpage, many people link to their squidoo and hubpage. Why? Because the main site will not link to you on their own, you have to earn the authority and credit you get from them. And the only way to do that is by linking to your squiddo page, or having someone link to it for you.

The same rules apply to all authority sites, you just have to know how to give your page trust and credit.

SEO article in Newsweek

In comments:

Matt Cutts said:
Matt Said,
December 12, 2005 @ 9:48 am

Yahoo links are helpful because they’re high PageRank, but that’s the only reason; there’s no special “Yahoo boost” or edu-boost or gov-boost. Those links just tend to be higher quality.

Lightning Round!

Some one else asked about links from gov’s and edu’s and whether links from two levels deep gov’s and edu’s, like are worth the same as .gov, and the fact is that we don’t really have much in the way of saying oh this is a link from the ODP or from .gov or .edu so give that some sort of special boost. It’s just those sites tend to have higher Pagerank because more people link to them and reputable people link to them.


I’m on debunking duty
Matt Cutts
December 8, 2006

In comments:

Matt Cutts said:
December 8, 2006 @ 7:51 pm

There is no special “ODP boost.” The PageRank value of a link from an ODP page is solely because that ODP page has high PageRank.
Comon Minstrel, I've known about you for to long now, and none of your reply's make sense to my last post, and the video is not even relevant to this topic. If you think I'm posting because I have other issues with my link building, a deeper search will show that I don't need that to dominate my city. Although a listing would nice, we're perfectly fine without it. After all we're not smart enough to get listed anyway.
Comon Minstrel, I've known about you for to long now[?quote]

:confused: I'm sorry but I have no idea who you are.

none of your reply's make sense to my last post, and the video is not even relevant to this topic.

They have have everything nto do with your last post, which they contradict. You said:

It's not about the Page Rank, it's about the authority of the site in which the link is coming from. Even though their may not be a link from the main site pointing to that page it does not decrease the value.

The sources I cited state very clearly thatin fact it is all about PageRank and not about the TLD.

The value or benefit, or should I say link juice that you get from the site depends on the amount of links which point to that page from outside sources.

Actually, it depends on the quantity AND quality of the page linking to you. And again it is about the PAGE linking to you, NOT the SITE.

While getting a link from the homepage of the site is great and would mostly likely strengthen the value, if you link to it from other powerful sources then this is just as powerful, and a link from the homepage is not needed.

If all or most of the PageRank is attached to the home page, then getting links from other pages on that site is most certainly NOT just as powerful. The only scenario where your statement would be true would be in the case of a site where all of the pages have equal PageRank - a highly unlikely circumstance.

If you think I'm posting because I have other issues with my link building, a deeper search will show that I don't need that to dominate my city. Although a listing would nice, we're perfectly fine without it. After all we're not smart enough to get listed anyway.

Sorry. I really do not understand the point you are attempting to make here at all.
No offense buddy, but it seems to me that you are still stuck in the stone age, where everything was all about page rank. Now I'll be the first to say that I do in fact love page rank, but when it comes to dominating the search engine rankings this is at the bottom of my list.

If I want to take the top spot for a certain keyword, page rank is the last thing I'm looking for. What I'm looking for is what google thinks of the page I'm listed on. Page Rank is something that is very easy to get and google knows this. After all, it only take a link from a PR8 site to get a 7, depending on the number of outbounds of course.

If I'm listed on a page that is already ranking pretty good in my market (let's say top 20) then I'm going to get awhole more credit then your PR8 home page link (even if that page is PR N/A, and PR N/A does get indexed and do count towards google backlinks and rankings.) which is most likely not even close to relevant to my market.

To your defense I will say that not alot has changed in terms of getting good rankings on google. The problem is that the SEO Media has got everyone lost in the so called latest fad that is suppose to bring results, like facebook, twitter and all of that other crap which real buyers have no interest in.

While your focused on trying to be the best social bookmarker your competitors are ruling the search engine rankings and closing deals. People looking to buy products do search engine searches, they don't ask their fake buddies on facebook.
1. No, I'm not trying to claim that PageRank is all there is to SEO, or even that is the most important thing. I am simply pointing out that TLD is not and never has been a factor, beyond the power of a particular page to transfer PageRank to another page. That is what my citations attest to.

2. Your assertion that the links Google returns to the link: query are the ones Google thinks are most important is simply incorrect. Feel free to try to provide evidence that you think proves me wrong on this point.

3. For someone who is claiming to pretty much ignore PR, you sure are focusing a lot on it in this thread.

4. Who is talking about social bookmarking or any other form of social marketing in this thread? Where did that come from and what does it have to do with EDU links vs. COM links?

5. The original post in this thread is a caution reiterating what has been known for some time: The TLD of a backlink is irrelevant. Again, that was the point of the sources I cited above. Did you read that article?

6. I am making an effort here to be respectful. Please lose the sarcasm and condescension in your posts if you wish to continue this discussion or similar discussions.
Your right, I did go off topic a little, but the points I made are of good value if you can see them.

I could prove my point about Google backlinks from this forum alone, but if the post are going to be deleted then it will be impossible. Even then, it is not something you really want to spell out in plan English, if you pay attention the secret is real easy to figure out, which I have already revealed through other post on this forum.

I'm just trying to do the same thing you are, and that is provide the viewers with solid and accurate information about how to rank well on the search engines. Everyone has their ideas of what they think works, but very few have actually put these theories to the test. Reading other peoples thoughts and going off blind faith doesn't always work, you gotta get your hand dirty in order to know for sure.

I'll leave it at that, no sense going back and forth if we both will never agree. But I will say that I have always respected you because of your good postmenship. You may not remember me, but we have gone at it a few times, mostly in regards to dmoz and their shady ways on other forums.

In either case, I still look forward to your reply.