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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Why did you choose to work at Adult niche?

It is an easy sell -- or was ...

The adult entertainment industry has seen a real decline in the years 2001 - today that I have been a participant and witness to that decline. The adult entertainment industry has cannibalized itself with stolen and free content.

These major players that you allude to are tubes that offered copyright infringing content for free to gain traffic.

Once the traffic was acquired, these tube sites were, and still are, able to squeeze legitimate adult industry players to give their content away for basically useless traffic or to spend their advertising dollar to buy the traffic back that might have been theirs had these free porn tubes never had existed in the first place.

So who benefited? The porn consumer was the "cattle" and he did get a free feed of low quality free content to beat his meat to for free. 96% of these consumers of this crappy content would never have bought any porn anyway so the loss was negligible in real terms. However, the buyers of ads to these people in many cases were the real suckers. the primary benefactors were the tube sites selling traffic to the ad broker networks -- that is who makes he money in this process.

The net result is that the value made in the porn industry is probably 1/3 of what it was in 2005 -- no one knows for sure as there are only guesses on valuation ...