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Why I am not pumped


New Member
  • I picked an AppSumo product yesterday.
  • Built a (not so long) landing page using WordPress + Elementor
  • Created an FB ad campaign and ran it
  • Yesterday was exhilarating. I woke up this morning to check the numbers...
  • CTR: 2.07%; "Results" aka Link clicks were 331
  • But Impact shows 1 click. and NO SALES.
Hi, this is CM and I'm here to learn affiliate marketing using paid ads. I'm an absolute beginner in this field. I've been following Ivan Mana on YouTube and fancy running Google and Microsoft ads. Unfortunately, this AppSumo product prohibits affiliates from running either. So, I had to resort to FB ads.

I know it's early days but I'm feeling kinda low. I'm hoping and praying to learn to run profitable campaigns soon.

I know it's possible. With your support, I'm hoping I could fast-track my learning.

What do you think about my approach thus far with my first campaign? Am I on the right path? Please let me know.

Welcome to AffiliateFix!

Yours is not really an introduction. You should post that in the Newbie Helpdesk.

landing page using WordPress + Elementor

WordPress is not a good option for landing pages. Also, you say you built your own, does that mean you did not research what angles, landers, hooks, and triggers are currently working for the offer?

Not necessary for performance marketing, especially someone just beginning.

  • CTR: 2.07%; "Results" aka Link clicks were 331
  • But Impact shows 1 click. and NO SALES.

Without details it is not possible to determine if it is the offer, your angles, your hook, your trigger(s), your lander, your creative(s), your copy, or a combination thereof.

Sherlock Holmes:
"Data, data, data! One cannot make bricks without clay!"

What intelligence platform are you using?

Are you split testing creatives, copy, and landers?
Wow! Firstly, thank you, Mr. Tutor for your response. I appreciate it.

WordPress is not a good option for landing pages. Also, you say you built your own, does that mean you did not research what angles, landers, hooks, and triggers are currently working for the offer?
That's right, sir. I just looked at AppSumo's landing page copy and tried to craft the copy for my landing page. I don't know how to research the angles, landers, hooks or triggers at this point, unfortunately.

Sherlock Holmes:
"Data, data, data! One cannot make bricks without clay!"
Love it!

What intelligence platform are you using?
I'm matching FB link clicks data from FB ads manager with Impact Radius' clicks and there's a mismatch. I've raised a ticket. I plan to use ClickMagick for tracking, is that an intelligence platform I could start with?
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But Impact shows 1 click. and NO SALES.

  • What is the price point of your product?
  • Are you overselling in your creative?
  • Does your bridge-page (the pre-lander) on your domain over sell
    and does not align well with the product?

  • If you are selling a high ticket for the 'clicks' you are getting you may need more clicks to convert your first sale also
    --if that is the case will your direct ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) be adequate to continue?
"Data, data, data! One cannot make bricks without clay!" True, but predicated on what KPIs (Key Profit Indicators) --Do you have a `plan`?

The devil is always in the details (they say)....

AI robo-brain:
Hi @Graybeard, nice to meet you. Thanks for your response. Here are the details you asked for. If you could offer any feedback or help me make it better, I'd be grateful to you.

What is the price point of your product?
It's $89.

  • Are you overselling in your creative?
I don't think so. Here's my ad, please share your views:
Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 9.54.37 AM.png

Does your bridge-page (the pre-lander) on your domain over sell
and does not align well with the product?
I tried to mimic the actual product page as well as the Appsumo sales page as close as I can. I didn't oversell here. It's minimal. Here's it:

"Data, data, data! One cannot make bricks without clay!" True, but predicated on what KPIs (Key Profit Indicators) --Do you have a `plan`?
I just wanna be able to pick the right products and turn a profit promoting it with paid ads. I like SEO and I know how difficult content creation can be. This tool helps SEOs and optimising content for Google, that's why I picked it as my first product/campaign.
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your welcome @CMMan .

As my good friend @azgold in other threads.. I am sharing this FYI

This is an affiliate marketing community, not a free advertising site.

If you wish to promote your opportunity to affiliates, you may submit an application to become a vetted, verified and approved resource vendor.

Otherwise, you may not promote any product, service or business here, per our TOS.

However, you can learn how to promote any product, service or business here. Without spamming. Like the legal business owner you are.
Welcome to Affiliate fix @CMMan ... Hope you find some solid guidance.

Sorry for a small hijack of your thread... Though you may find the answer useful too.

I wanted to check with @T J Tutor ... You said WordPress is not a good option to build landing pages. What would you recommend then?

Thank you !

Not split testing is a grave error. You have to test everything to zero in on what works.

is that an intelligence platform

No! Intelligence platforms like AdPlexity (et al), will show you in what geos, what demos, what landers, what copy, what angles, hooks, and triggers are working. You start with geos because everything else has to match the geo. You cannot plan to use the same landers, copy, angles, hooks, and triggers in every country or with every demo.
Not split testing is a grave error. You have to test everything to zero in on what works.

No! Intelligence platforms like AdPlexity (et al), will show you in what geos, what demos, what landers, what copy, what angles, hooks, and triggers are working. You start with geos because everything else has to match the geo. You cannot plan to use the same landers, copy, angles, hooks, and triggers in every country or with every demo.
Thank you.

I realize I need some handholding right now, at least for the first campaign - like one-on-one coaching/mentorship.

Do you recommend someone I should reach out to. I'll pay to learn the ropes. I need help, please.
Thank you.

I realize I need some handholding right now, at least for the first campaign - like one-on-one coaching/mentorship.

Do you recommend someone I should reach out to. I'll pay to learn the ropes. I need help, please.

You are getting help. Mentors are not for sale and they never work with newbies. As for learning the ropes, well that is what this forum does. So many newbies think that getting a teacher, a mentor, or a coach is what they need. Mentors are not available to newbies and very particular about working with an experienced person already accomplished their respective field. Teachers and coaches are very expensive when they are real and worth working with.

You are in a community with 137,000 minds that can and will provide direction. That is the roll of a marketing community.

You need to set a path for yourself by doing some work to evaluate your entry point into marketing. Nobody will hold your hand, NEVER! You are creating a business and this means you must do the work yourself. It's a business, treat it as such! No one will stand over you and tell you what to do next. However, if you are in a community and post threads about the step you are doing and need some guidance, then this is what will generate success for you.

All of us, everyone of us, research, study, and take action every day. It is the nature of the business. It changes daily, weekly, monthly and yearly and you must stay on top of it to be competitive and successful.

Everyone Has To Start Somewhere
As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

I need help, please.

You ARE getting help.

I've been doing this for 20 years. You must read and study first. This is NOT 1996 where you can throw a pdf about making money online up on a landing page and expect to earn. This is 2024 and this business is now sophisticated and regulated. If you want to earn, then plan from the beginning to be a practicing business person and with the distinction of being an autodidact (one who self teaches/learns). We all here self learn and do so with the help of our community members. We teach each other, everyday.

You need to learn what the various areas of marketing, what the various tools we use are, and then narrow down what marketing area you will start with and then get yourself the necessary tools. With that you can set a budget, a schedule, an action and business plan, etc., etc.

I'll say again, AppSumo is not a place for a newbie to start promoting. It is not an affiliate network. It is a warehouse of apps for people who require software and/or courses.

Newbies should always start with affiliate network offers because it is the entry point to learn your market, learn the fundamentals of marketing, learn to use the tools, learn how to manage a business, etc., etc. JOIN TWO AFFILIATE NETWORKS! AppSumo is not a rue affiliate network. They don't promote offers as much as they represent affiliate programs. Once you can promote affiliate offers from an offer network, then you will be ready to promote affiliate programs.
I'll say again, AppSumo is not a place for a newbie to start promoting. It is not an affiliate network. It is a warehouse of apps for people who require software and/or courses.
Thanks for taking the time, @T J Tutor. Here's a quick clarification: I am a part of Impact Radius and Clickbank. AppSumo is a brand/Offer owner listed on Impact Radius and I get paid through Impact.

Edit: I just read your other post and you mentioned CJ, Clickbank are not affiliate networks? Could you name a couple of offer networks, please?