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Why is there higher conversion rate at the end of the month?

What about the traffic source 1 or many?
and the monthly volume/ does that vary a lot --the ctr -> offer page
If you are using landing pages on your server how do those track during the month?
I have experienced this many times I have good conversion rate at the end of the month and then get worse. What could be the reason for that? Have you experienced that?
I believe you should be happy! that's some extra income;)

Btw, can you let me know what verticals are you promoting? We are an affiliate network with many top direct advertisers and we can give you better payout deals, high converting offers, weekly to monthly payments. Also we have recently started prizes for our top publishers for this Q4.

I believe we can do great business together:)
A few factors could explain the pattern you're seeing with conversion rates worsening after the end of the month. Your conversion rates may improve at the end of the month due to ad fatigue, budget pacing, user behavior around paydays, seasonality, or frequent end-of-month promotions. It's normal, this happens not only to you. Closer to winter, the numbers may change as well.
What about the traffic source 1 or many?
and the monthly volume/ does that vary a lot --the ctr -> offer page
If you are using landing pages on your server how do those track during the month?
No, the traffic and the traffic quality appears to be the same. I track with tracking tools and the affiliate dashboard. Could it be that people are recieving salaries at the end of the month and buying? Or could the affiliate networks steal the sales?
I have experienced this many times I have good conversion rate at the end of the month and then get worse. What could be the reason for that? Have you experienced that?

I believe, yes. I am working on Digileap marketing services as a SEO intern.I have witnessed a similar trend in crafting SEO and digital campaigns. If you track the conversions over time, then you might find such a situation. This may be because of one or two reasons.

Seasonality: Certain businesses are heavily seasonal and tend to flump out during the month-end as most of the customers are making decisive decisions or finalizing their budgets at that time, whereas mid-month, it's research rather than action-oriented resulting in lesser conversions.

Marketing campaigns - usually businesses have more coupons, discounts, or e-mail campaigns at the end of the month. It could just mean that it spikes up due to marketing efforts and other campaign promotions, so without those earlier on the month, it can just naturally be low.

Budget Cycles: Depending on the type of audience or business, of course, perhaps weekly or monthly budgets kick in. Consumers tend to spend more when nearing the end of their budget cycle or the date when they are paid. In this context, conversions would probably be higher in that time frame.

User Behavior: Most users surf and plan at the beginning of a month and convert toward the tail-end when they are ready to make decisions. This should inform why the conversion rate is often high towards the close of the month.

Have you gotten your strategies to accommodate these factors? Testing out different campaigns or focusing on engagement earlier in the month might help smooth out those dips.
. Could it be that people are recieving salaries at the end of the month and buying? Or could the affiliate networks steal the sales?
That depends on how often people get their income.
I have good conversion rate at the end of the month and then get worse.
I doubt what you are 'selling' is a priority spend ... Unless you are selling rent (mortgage), utilities, bills due --these are what people pay first.

Have you considered that sellers have cash flow problems, that are not related to any malice or funny stuff, like processing issues and many affiliate networks have their own assorted issues --but these are not date sensitive consistantly.
No, the traffic and the traffic quality appears to be the same.
That is a non answer really. I asked about the number of sources in the sample and the real volume. If it a relatively small volume, meaning less than 300 sales per month, or over a short period, the trend could be a statistical anomaly.

The only trends, that are apparent to me, have been holidays and life events like summer vacation, back to school, war times, general financial uncertainty.
mostly affiliates turn off the camps due to budget capping for the month or conversion capping for the month



This is a well know aspect. You can test this by simply running a separate campaign by itself the first week of the month and one on just the last week of the month. Capping and budgets are a big part and are likely jointly responsible for this. Some of us actually save our budgets and campaigns for the last two weeks of the month on some types of verticals and some types of funnels for these reasons.

Here is another element, it is well known that super affiliates typically make funnel/campaign decisions based on these metrics after analysis of competitor behavior. If you look in an app like AdPlexity, you will see very often that the new funnels super affiliates break out are started during the last 10 days of the month to have a leg up in highly competitive niches before the first of the month onslaught of competitors. many of them are creating and launching new funnels (rebuilt from start to finish) during this time and on a month to month basis for the simple fact that once they have one to scale up it will be only a few weeks before their new funnels begin showing up in AdPlexity (et al) and are knocked off. The average funnel run for super affiliates is around three weeks. Most of them are working on three to six funnels ahead of time so they have them on the launching pad when needed.

These guys roll out a funnel they have tested and made ready for scaling way ahead of its launch date and when they launch they poor hundreds of thousands in daily budget sometimes. They may run the same offer for months, but use three, four, or maybe five different funnels before they move on to other offers.

So with the bigger affiliates launching with their new funnels at the end of the month and the general milling heard of affiliates running out of caps or traffic money during that time, you will normally see a less competitive space for a short time.