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Why Your Are In Internet Marketing (IM)?

New Marketer

Active Member
Marketing is my passion. I love to find out the new technique to reach my customers and present the decent way to promote my offers through the internet. That is why I am a marketer.
Marketing is my passion. I love to find out the new technique to reach my customers and present the decent way to promote my offers through the internet. That is why I am a marketer.

Very good! There are very useful and good information here that you may like it !
When I 16 a really wanted to know how to make a webpage. Then I got reading on forums and other places about how to make money online. Now I have been at it for 13 years and still loving it :)
It's the best platform on the planet that most anyone from most any background can find a footing. This makes for an awesome blend of awesome people.

Oh, and because you can truly have a butt load of fun and a productive career.
Marketing is my passion. I love to find out the new technique to reach my customers and present the decent way to promote my offers through the internet. That is why I am a marketer.

We have the same passion... As an internet market or more specifically an affiliate marketer, I find it fulfilling to provide my customers needs by way of giving them relevant offers from my affiliate company. I'm just glad I was able to partner with the right affiliate company who was able to help me achieve my goals of earning more money as I run my website and promote my app through the internet...;)
I will say that marketing is something that i enjoy doing. It is more of a hobby to me than even a job. I therefore, have passion for it in general. Another thing is because of the benefits that Internet marketing brings to you as a person. I love the fact that I have the working hours that are very felxible. I am not required to work the whole day as used to when in formal employment. It has given me a chance to interact with very many people who have different levels of experience. Yes, those are the reasons I have.
Internet marketing, or online marketing, refers to advertising and marketing efforts that use the Web and email to drive direct sales via electronic commerce, in addition to sales leads from Web sites or emails.
Marketing is my passion. I love to find out the new technique to reach my customers and present the decent way to promote my offers through the internet. That is why I am a marketer.
I'm here because I wanted to escape my boss and the killer deadlines. With IM, you can work on your own and live the life you've wanted :) And yeah, not to mention the value we can provide to others as well. You earn money by helping others solve their problem - how cool is that? :)
I left my software job just for one reason, i didn't want anyone to take away credits for all my hard work. Since then i am in IM because i wanted freedom in my work, didn't want myself to be answerable to anyone expect myself. It's good to be IM, though it wasn't a easy road but worth it.
No offensive but I came to marketing because its really easy to convince people to buy your product online. One more reason is that internet marketing is evolving continuously which make it more interesting for people like me who look to take challenges. Cheers
Because it's interesting, it grows and becomes wider every day. It gives your more opportunities to study behavior of your customers, it's using different tools of stimulating etc...