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Will work for free


New Member
Hello everybody ,
i have a lot of free time in my hands and its killing me , i'm looking for a job with someone experienced and i'll tell my skills below.
Skills :
- Minor web dev stuff (PHP , python , html ...)
- Media buying (Fb ads , snap ads , google ads , other traffic sources)
- Affiliate and CPA marketing , have experience of 3 years in this field
Fields i would like to gain experience in :
- Advanced SEO
- Advanced web management and development
- Mailing / SMS marketing
WH or BH doesnt matter , although BH motivates me more smh but WH is welcomed also
My main objective is to gain knowledge/expertise and help you out in the meantime.
So you want to trade work for training, by the sound of it. I'm not sure if you'll get any bites but here's a bump.
Hey, we have a very experienced Bankruptcy Paralegal who does our intake and if you have any interest in the law industry, you might find it to be something growing that you may want to be affiliated with. If you signup on, you can put your affiliate code after the bankruptcy url or any page for tracking. We have a building program and are working on cases until we can upgrade our website. We have 25+ Attorney Clients with all types of decades+ levels of experience, so maybe you can find a niche inside of our set of programs we are working on building.

James Polk, Trustee of Apex Law Service
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Hello everybody ,
i have a lot of free time in my hands and its killing me , i'm looking for a job with someone experienced and i'll tell my skills below.
Skills :
- Minor web dev stuff (PHP , python , html ...)
- Media buying (Fb ads , snap ads , google ads , other traffic sources)
- Affiliate and CPA marketing , have experience of 3 years in this field
Fields i would like to gain experience in :
- Advanced SEO
- Advanced web management and development
- Mailing / SMS marketing
WH or BH doesnt matter , although BH motivates me more smh but WH is welcomed also
My main objective is to gain knowledge/expertise and help you out in the meantime.
If you have a lot of free time in your hands, why don't you start up a YouTube channel or blog and start creating some content? I think that's better than going to work for free. I actually did a lot of work for free but not online though. Good luck with that, but I don't think you will do any work you are doing for free, meticulously if I am right about that word.