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I am using wordpress for my three websites. I don;t know coding, thus I chose wordpress.However, if you don;t know coding you cannot develop a professional looking website by yourself. You need to hire a designer. Plugins, widgets and page builders makes wordpress easy to use, but sometimes you need more than that.
I think Wordpress is great because it means someone who might have a wealth of knowledge and excellent writing skills now has the chance to share their content with the world and not have to worry about coding, an area they may or may not be proficient with. I do love the sheer number of choices we have in terms of customization.
It also helps that if the designer changes, it's not difficult to find another WordPress designer.
I love this CMS because it is simple from all other CMS. But for using this CMS you must have a basic knowledge of coding...
WordPress is a piece of software that you can download for free and use for building a wide range of websites. Ranging from simple websites to somewhat complex websites.