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Work - Life Balance


New Member
How are the members balancing between business and life, at this time of the year, and for the past 17 months or so. What techniques are they using to stay motivated, find enjoyment and fulfilment in their work and business, and maintain good health, well-being and so on? I think this topic should be received well by the forum at this time. Cheers. Best Regards, Greg Tingle
business and life,
WAIT WAIT?? What life are you talking about? Since I started this business, it made me stuck to the laptop and no more time to think about life ..
My use is being increased steadily indeed, I'm like a zombie .. Once I wake up, I turn it on, I work on it .. I contact with colleagues, friends and family using it .. I do some workout in the evening with the help of videos on it, I have my meals while watching something on it ..
On the weekends, I use my phone .. I pick it up to look at the time and then the physical act of doing that prompts me to do something else...
What techniques are they using to stay motivated
Well, I'm not the right person to answer this, when I curse everything .. I stay away for a moment from the work, and I stare at a huge map I got on the wall, and it reminds me that I'm not wasting time, there's an AIM I want to achieve ..
Honestly, it becomes harder more and more to stay focused ..

- Samira


I really don't think too much about that ...
@mediamanoz , welcome to affiliatefix.

Balance is a result, of finding once own way in uncharted path with just enough space to walk.

The best example is human walking on the rope between 2 high rise building in heavily populated people, sound and other.

If you get this you will find your own space in everything you do. It may take some time but don't loose hope.

Best wishes.
How are the members balancing between business and life, at this time of the year, and for the past 17 months or so. What techniques are they using to stay motivated, find enjoyment and fulfilment in their work and business, and maintain good health, well-being and so on? I think this topic should be received well by the forum at this time. Cheers. Best Regards, Greg Tingle
Hey buddy! One good thing I've realized that might help: Get 2 laptops one for work, and one for regular life stuff. Same with your phone, get a boring ass blackberry or android for work (Skype, Telegram, emails) and a phone for your private life stuff :)

This way when you turn it off, it's OFF and not with you. Makes things so much easier IMO !

Good luck to you !
How are the members balancing between business and life, at this time of the year, and for the past 17 months or so. What techniques are they using to stay motivated, find enjoyment and fulfilment in their work and business, and maintain good health, well-being and so on? I think this topic should be received well by the forum at this time. Cheers. Best Regards, Greg Tingle
It can be really challenging sometimes, but I try to organize time so I can finish all my business obligations and still have some free time. Some days, it seems like a day of 24h just isn't enough but I aim to stay calm and prioritize some tasks before others. If you work in a team, it can be very helpful as you can distribute the job equally so that everyone takes part and that's the most efficient way to get something done. It's essential to maintain this balance, as otherwise, you can lead yourself to a complete burnout which can be even dangerous at some point.
If you want to be successful, you have to sacrifice something, if you want to make good money, you won't have much time for your personal life.
I use a very simple technique that anyone can do. I'm a firm believer that you can't be effectively balancing life with work unless you're constantly learning and growing. I remember when I was younger, I thought that once I landed my dream job, as an Account Manager everything would fall into place. But what I didn't realize is that the work-life balance is something you have to actively work on. It's not something that you can achieve if you're not constantly learning and growing. That's why I always make sure to build in regular breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge. And I always make sure to set realistic goals that I can actually achieve. Otherwise, I just end up getting burned out and frustrated.It may take some time adjust but stay dedicated .
I think you need to be motivated, to know what you want and then no motivation is needed, without hard work there is no result.
Well you need to hold your accountability and be consistent .For example plan to work 1 hour each day on forums ,if you dont have time to work 1 day because of your job etc ,then dont go to sleep until you finish your 1 hour work .Its very important to be consistent and finjsh your work each day even if its half hour or 1 hour of working
Well you need to hold your accountability and be consistent .For example plan to work 1 hour each day on forums ,if you dont have time to work 1 day because of your job etc ,then dont go to sleep until you finish your 1 hour work .Its very important to be consistent and finjsh your work each day even if its half hour or 1 hour of working
I want to work an hour a day, too
Hmmm... Just realise the fact that this balance strictly depends on you. If you need to find the time for relaxing, distracting from your job, then you do it.
So, there is nothing difficult in it - the main is to WANT it.
Hmmm... Just realise the fact that this balance strictly depends on you. If you need to find the time for relaxing, distracting from your job, then you do it.
So, there is nothing difficult in it - the main is to WANT it.
I would say that everyone has their own priorities in life
Damn, I'm totally lost in it now. My boyfriend and I are in complete disarray, it feels like it's the end. Things were pretty unusual in our family. I always made more money than he did, and I felt like that disadvantaged him as a man. And now I found out he had another woman. She's just a cleaning lady and I think he's trying to establish himself with her. I live my life at work, it takes up most of my time and now I doubt I need a relationship at all.
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Hopefully the beginning of Affiliate Marketing is the hardest work? The rest is just passive income? Haha. I'm sure that's wishful thinking on my part. It's actually fun right now so I wouldn't consider it hard. Just trying to learn the best ways to share the products that I'm passionate about.