Bagi Zoltán
Hello everybody, i would like to know your standpoint about my new idea.
I relatively often launch new websites and i tend to use subdomains for them. Despite of the hope that the aging delay doesn't affect the subdomains, it seems that the trust transfer from the established domain is very very minimal. Here is my idea. When i want to launch a new site i grab the most suitable domain i have and place the new content into a subfolder. After the new content is indexed properly i would redirect the whole subfolder to a subdomain, which will transfer the trust as well. So, i will make the best of an opportunity, separate website, direct trust transfer.
What do you think, would it work?
I relatively often launch new websites and i tend to use subdomains for them. Despite of the hope that the aging delay doesn't affect the subdomains, it seems that the trust transfer from the established domain is very very minimal. Here is my idea. When i want to launch a new site i grab the most suitable domain i have and place the new content into a subfolder. After the new content is indexed properly i would redirect the whole subfolder to a subdomain, which will transfer the trust as well. So, i will make the best of an opportunity, separate website, direct trust transfer.
What do you think, would it work?