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Well-Known Member

Just what is says. Presented as a popupunder on desktop (the mobile screen cap sucks)

Fast and dirty. The offers will be on a rotation ... they are clearance and flash sales they will expire (limited time offers)
This one has a better mobile orientation for screenshots


It's about the presentation not the actual item offers ....

Just what is says. Presented as a popupunder on desktop (the mobile screen cap sucks)

Fast and dirty. The offers will be on a rotation ... they are clearance and flash sales they will expire (limited time offers)

To be honest, if i would see this on pop probably not. I'll explain why I have no interest once I see this, I don't need this. In my opinion, if you want to market specific products it needs to be either on Push notification or Native. If the user just sees a random product up for sale on Amazon or eBay as a pop, he has no interest and the bounce rate would skyrocket. But if your presenting this product to specific users or with a creative to support it that engages the user, it would be something you can work with. For Pop i would use just a random e-commerce brand like gearbest or Zaful, the user buys whatever he wants and you get the commision :)
  1. I refuse to build anyone else's brand -- been there done that -- maybe that is all I would be doing?
  2. Maybe, it's better to save the money and not waste my time :p
I would and I know a lot of my friends also would.

Aslong as they are products which have an use. E.g. USB drives and it has a good sale going on, I think some people would.
I would and I know a lot of my friends also would.

Aslong as they are products which have an use. E.g. USB drives and it has a good sale going on, I think some people would.

I completely agree, But you just have to run specific products on specific ad formats. Like push or native, something that is direct to the user. Pop, in my opinion, would have much lower results on these type of offers.
After reading the "...16Gb 32Gb 64Gb..." I would dismiss looking for more. Image displays a 64Gb one, price is reasonable... but description is way confusing...