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WP Plugins to Display Amazon Products


Active Member
Last year, Amazon discontinued the image function for the affiliate link. My website has many previous Amazon image affiliate links that are broken now. What are the recommended plugins that restore those images on my website?
  • Did amazon update the server (CDN) links for the images or just outright discontinue them?
  • What is their image linking policy now?
  • Does their API feeds have the image links?
Have you read the following: AWS
Amazon discontinued the image function for the affiliate link

Wasn't that typically the product sellers responsibility? I think they can get the image build by subscription now. Many of them don't know their images are down, because some of those guys are just plain lazy. I saw a few Amazon Sellers in another forum recently that complained their listings were suspended for image violations.
I went to YouTube to find videos about WP plugins that can display images from amazon affiliate links. This is one of them:

Unfortunately, it is quite pricey.
I'm currently building what I aim to be the best in class plugin for Amazon Affiliate Marketing on WordPress. Would love to know what features ya'll would like to see and what price point would help you?