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Youtube and Tracking


New Member
Hey everyone,
Hope someone can help out. I just created my first Youtube video, and would like to add my domain (so hopefully people will click on my affiliate offer in my domain) to the Basic Info field.
I'm tracking w/Clickmagick. Would it be ok to use my CM link in the Basic Info field? Or should I just put my domain? I really want to track where the clicks are coming from.
Use Google Analytics :) .
that's the best Solution in your case
Hey tyoussef,
Thanks for your reply. I actually have GA implemented in my domain, so no worries there.
You think that's enough? Would it hurt using Clickmagick as well?
My question is more towards what looks ok as far as the link I'm putting in my video description (from Google's Point of View). -, then I'm not tracking w/Clickmagick
Or: - That's my CM link.
Youtube is the one powerfull tool which leads you make more like to your video and which will help you to incriment more traffic. I prefer the tool clickmagick is best for tracking your convertions.
Google Analytics best tool by Google which really helps to track website or YouTube analytics. So you can track your activities by YouTube analytics as well as there is some feature in YouTube which also help to track activities of users.