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Youtube + CPA offer


New Member

I decided to make my own case study on youtube marketing + cpa offer. I made this video with animoto yesterday and uploaded it to youtube.
HOW TO GET MAGAZINES? - YouTube - I switched the link to some random video due to advice of david15923

I havent done any serious keyword research yet, that is the next thing I should do.

I signed up to Vagex, and I already have cca 220 views. For Vagex, you should read Smilodon's post. Since I only pay 1$ for 1000 credits (you can earn them also- check the link) and did not sign up for pro account my video will be watched for only 30 seconds from other Vagex users, and that is the reason I made video shorter than 30 seconds. I dont know, it might help if everytime the whole video is watched.

I got two conversions on my iFramed site for that CPA offer. If anybody is interested in sharing comments on videos, PM me or write here. I think the best would be that everybody writes his own comment and send it to other user and vice versa. Example: I will write comment for my magazine video, and you will post it and u will send me your comment for your video and I will post it under your vid.

The next thing I will do after keyword research is bookmarking. I think I will use a Fiverr service.

If anybody wants to show his casestudy you are welcome to post in this topic.

Questions/suggestions very welcome also!

Be good CPAfixers ;)
Really good :) You've got everything that is needed, I think you'll make a lot of money if you can rank well. Just 1 thing, if people see that you are doing a profit they will copy and paste all you did. Remove the link of the video, that's my advice :p
I agree with david15923 remove the video link, apart from that I would advise that you put some description, a long one would help. You can simply write the instructional details or what possibilities are with the offer, something related to magazine, a long description would help and build some backlinks to the video, a good structured kind of backlink will make your video go on top.
I disagree...... A small description works as well, if not better at times. Depends on the type of video you are doing I guess, if it is just a "free ipad" you don't need much
Yeah looks good so far ive made about 5 videos so far now and i got about 3 conversions counting all them and ranking in some really good spots with all them all my videos are on 1st page and also most are top 3 but one of my videos is steady getting 3 clicks a day but i cant get a conversion with it any thing you guys think i should do? Im really wanting to do atleast $10 dollars a day with youtube so i also started researching what to do with content locking.
@seoeymard - there are no new leads

@Ehsan_am - what kind of call to action do you do? With picture or caption?

@Legioner - I heard of that software and now I checked how it works.. Looks good, you say it is effective? Do you use it by yourself?
@seoeymard - there are no new leads

@Ehsan_am - what kind of call to action do you do? With picture or caption?

@Legioner - I heard of that software and now I checked how it works.. Looks good, you say it is effective? Do you use it by yourself?
I'd include the call to action in the video. I generally lead with 5 secondes of the call to action image then start the main content of the video and add another 10-20 seconds of call to action to the end.
YouTube is like the old days ! Keyword stacking works for ranking videos If I want To rank for blue cars >> Example Title; Blue cars from Bob all Blue cars on sale today
Then use every bit of description with keywords 1, 2 targets they are food for google to use.
Good luck
Its kind of unbelievable, but it is working yes!

I also mass bookmark with senuke and see the progress.

Do you do article marketing also?

Currently my stats: I changed title and description and now I am currently on page 2, so no visits, except some small amount of traffic through suggested video.

How do you analyze the competition? I do it with traffic travis for those I know that are ranked in the top 10 of organic results, but many times there is 0 backlink to the video itself, is that possible or they are just not shown yes?

What about keyword research? I use keyword tool but it get little data for my niche. I pick the first video for the keyword and get url from the first video and get better results if I search through that (not with the seed keyword).
Go on to fivver and find someone that does Video submit with Traffic Geyser . Use the dude with the purple pimp hat I forgot his name.
That will sky rocket your video in a week.